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How to deal with a lost toenail?

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My 6 yo ds injured his big toe several weeks ago & now last night the toenail came off. Is there anything I should do to help it grow back properly or protect it? It is already actually showing some growth. Will it be prone to being ingrown? It doesn't seem to be hurting right now, but he hasn't had a chance to walk around much after it came off last night. Any advice appreciated!

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This happened to my youngest son a few years ago.


I kept it covered with Neosporin and a band-aid for a day or two when it first came off, and made sure that he didn't get it dirty, but..other than that, I just let nature take its course.


It grew back just fine and he's had no problems with it (it was his big toe).


Hope this helps and I hope his toe is soon 'toe-rific' --- sorry ... couldn't resist! :lol:


The things boys will do!!

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My ds lost his thumbnail several months ago. I kept it covered with a band-aid until it grew back and it is fine now. Keeping a 5yo thumb clean is no easy task LOL:tongue_smilie:


Does it it hurt when he walks? Just keep it covered and when it starts to grow back, keep the edges smooth so it doesn't get torn off by snagging on his socks.

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I'm not sure if it's quite as bad with children, but losing a toe-nail can lead to developing a toe-nail fungus if you are not diligent about using an anti-fungal as the new nail grows in.


I'd consult your pediatrician or a podiatrist for a prescription. Once a toe-nail fungus gets established it is very hard to get rid of it, and prevention is possible if your are diligent.


My two cents,



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