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My lad's birthday video update


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He apologizes for it being a little long and not as polished as he would have liked, but in his defense, he's also been pretty darn busy with med school and had an exam that day (or maybe that week).  (He did have the video for youngest's birthday - just sent it to me to share now that his med school semester is done.)


I definitely like the way the two have remained good friends.  I wish I could say that about all three of mine, but oldest mainly sticks to his own world now.  (Still friendly, but not as "close.")  They were all best buddies as kids.  To use a familiar song, "A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys." (nostalgic sigh on my part)  At least two remain best friends.

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I forgot where ds2 ended up? Obviously, still up north!


He's still in Rochester, NY.  The med school is literally across the street from the undergrad campus.   :coolgleamA:


I completely agree with his assessment of our weather.

It’s raining today. 4-6 inches of snow tomorrow night. No sun, ever.


He left at 8:30am this morning to beat this last storm (and was successful).  I'm thankful he's sitting beside me now.  Our youngest returned home from Jordan today too.  It's awesome having us all together again (though I admit to wishing oldest could be here too - with his wife, of course).


The weather contrast is definitely different between FL and NY.  Did you ever see his first video to him for his freshman year in FL?  I absolutely loved that one with the comparisons:  (It's much shorter too.  Just 3 1/4 minutes.)


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"Study Person" LOL.

Is this the future doctor? He needs to specialize in pediatrics. I bet he could render the most reluctant little patient willing to submit to an exam... :lol:


It is, and he's awesome with kids.  Most of his undergrad research on linguists dealt with kids and how they learned language, so the preschool set.


However, right now I think he's drawn toward Emergency Medicine most of all.  That could easily change in the next couple of years, but I also know he's fond of Medical Missions and groups like Doctors Without Borders, so could quite easily end up doing those if financially able to at some point.  I suspect his draw to EM is related.

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