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I am looking for online College dual enrollment suggestions.

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Because we are not US permanent residents (we pay taxes federally and to the state of Georgia)my dd cannot dual enroll at the Public University in town. Consequently, I am looking for suggestions for college's which offer on-line dual enrollment. I believe Bryan College does. Any other suggestions or experiences with on-line dual enrollment?


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Rogers State University (ala University of Oklahoma) offers many online courses for dual enrollment. My oldest took 2 of these - college algebra and freshman comp. 1. While I have some reservations with online courses, it worked well for my son at that time. There was a time, though, when he needed to go to the brick/mortar structure and sit through lectures and take notes.




I will most likely use it with my second son next fall for freshman comp. and something else.

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LSU is very good for price. I am doing a math course right now, and I have to say, the quality is also fine. The teacher checks every problem and there are 3 times the problems assigned as when my d. did the same kind of course through Indiana U. (what happens is that you have practice problems (odds) and then assigned problems for IU. My d. #1 only wanted to do the assigned problems, and that's really not enough practice to then do well on the exams. I had a hard time getting her to do extras for practice. With LSU you get a LOT more assigned problems. That would give you a lot more practice, automatically. The midterm (for LSU)was fine, not excessively hard, and took about 2 hours. They give you up to 3 hours so you don't worry about running out of time. The questions are fair. (I've got the final coming up)


LSU also has quite a nice selection of literature, English, math, and history courses. IU is great, but they now charge out of state tuition. IU gives you 12 months, LSU gives you 9, but an extension only cost $25. That pretty much sums up all I know.

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We have not taken any distance learning/dual enrollment courses through Bryan, but we are very familiar with the school and have been to campus a number of times.

They are decidedly evangelical Christian, though not affiliated with any denomination.

It looks like their dual enrollment courses are $400.


It is something we seriously might consider for our senior year. My daughter is a junior right now. We visited for a college preview day this past Friday and I have a lot of respect for this school. My daughter is quite intellectual and sat in on a couple of classes. She was impressed with the instructors.

Here's a sampling of courses that are listed on the brochure:

Gen. Psych., Freshman Eng. 1 & 2, Christian Worldview, Biblical Foundations, Pentateuch, US History, Precal, Contemporary Mathematics, et.al.


Here's their contact info:


1.800.277.9522 ext. 558






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Because we are not US permanent residents (we pay taxes federally and to the state of Georgia)my dd cannot dual enroll at the Public University in town. Consequently, I am looking for suggestions for college's which offer on-line dual enrollment. I believe Bryan College does. Any other suggestions or experiences with on-line dual enrollment?



If you are interested/willing to consider Christian colleges, as it appears since Bryan is Christian, I would suggest you also look at Taylor University in Indiana. Taylor is also an evangelical Christian college and has online classes in which students can dual enroll. Here is the link to Taylor University Online. I have not used this program, though I looked at it several times for one of my daughters. In the end, she didn't do dual enrollment at all, but I would have made further inquiry if we had decided to move forward on online dual enrollment.

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