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Multitasking: a botany lesson and Christmas gift combined

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Recent conversations have turned to ideas for inexpensive gifts. Thus I'd like to toss out an idea for those of you who wish to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. Bulb forcing is a lesson in botany that produces a lovely gift.


You do not need to buy fancy kits to do this. If you go to your nearby garden center, you can buy a bag of several paperwhite bulbs for about $5. You can purchase inexpensive pots (have your kids paint them acrylic paint if you like). Perhaps you have potting soil and pebbles in your garden supplies.


There are instructions available on the web for forcing paperwhites but the basic idea is to place your drainage material (pebbles) in the pot, add some soil, a bulb (keeping the 'nose' of the bulb exposed). Water. Place in a cool, dark location like a closet or bathroom cabinet. Have your child check it daily to water when necessary.


Your child will see bulb sprout. The stem will elongate but will be white due to the lack of light. When the stem is several inches long, place the pot in the sun and watch the immediate change to green as well as subsequent growth.


Better instructions here.


You do not have to restrict yourself to paperwhites, but other bulbs need to be fooled into blooming. You can buy hyacinths, place them in your refrigerator, then force after twelve weeks of chilling. It is a little late to do this for Christmas, but this would make a terrific Valentine's gift for grandma.


Bulbs can also be forced in glass vases. You can buy these at garden centers or from speciality catalogs, but you might be able to find something interesting at a second store if you are watching your budget.


You can also be ambitious and plant larger bulb pots of tulips, daffodils, etc. for spring blooms. Instructions here.


My links go to Extension web sites. They lack the slick pictures of catalogs, but they are not trying to sell you anything.



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