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CSMP math pros and cons?


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I just became aware of CSMP math and I'm fascinated. It's amazing how many free resources out there that I've never seen before. Free is my middle name.


Normally I'm the biggest MEP fanboy out there but it's not working so well with my keen first grader. I imagine that we'll be able to come back to it in awhile.


So has anyone used CSMP math? How does it work? Would it be sufficient for k-6? What are it's shortcomings? What are it's strengths? If you know MEP too how does it compare?

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Your search abilities are better than mine. I tried an advanced search of forums looking for CSMP in the titles and only came up with a couple insignificant threads.  :confused1:

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I search using google; in your google search bar put---"whateveryouwanttosearchforhereinquotes"  site: forums.welltrainedmind.com


Unfortunately, the search function here on the boards is abysmal. The older boards seemed to give a better result.  But since I can use the boards here for free and also google freely, I'm not going to complain too loudly. ;)



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I used MEP (or, rather parts of it) about six months behind CSMP, for the drill and problem solving.


I can't comment on the levels above grade 2 though.


It "stealthed" my daughter's dyscalculia. It's very strong with number sense and place value sense, though it often doesn't look like much.

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