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Need laptop rec.


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I have discovered very quickly into this new school year that I need a second computer! My oldest is taking 2 online classes and is totally hogging the one desktop that we have :/ I have found that I need to keep interrupting her so I can get on the computer for other homeshool related matters. also the desktop we have is on a smaller computer table (space in our house is terribly limited) so she can't really spread out and use a notebook to take notes like she would be able to on our kitchen table.

Anyway long story short I think I need a laptop! Looking for something she can save assignments on, browse the internet and stream video. I don't want to spend a fortune but am willing to pay about 200-300$ less would be better but I want decent speed and storage.

Anyone have a homeschool laptop that they love and want to share a review? :)

Thank you!

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We just bought DD a laptop off of Ebay.  It's refurbished, but seriously looks completely brand new.  It came with windows installed and has plenty of memory and it works fabulous.


We paid $155, shipping included, and I plan to do it again shortly for one for DS.  


The Ebay store we bought from is laptopexperience, and they didn't disappoint.

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