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Scholastic Art & Writing

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Are your kids working on their entries? This will be DS's first year (I didn't let him enter last year as I didn't think his story good enough. He in turn fired me from reviewing his fiction and now has a very occasional tutor that reads his stuff).

 I want to remind mine of the various categories but this semester is crazy already so I feel I'd be piling one-more-thing. He is writing quite a few essays, I wonder if they can be repurposed for one of the essay categories. He does have two short stories ready to go.


If I had the foresight, I would have made this part of his curriculum. I don't have the foresight, ever :)


And yours?

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Thanks for the reminder.  My dd participated last year with an essay she wrote for Maya Inspektor's class.  I will mention it to her, but I'm not sure she'll have the time to invest in it this year.  I hope some of your son's essays can be repurposed.  Does he write poetry?  My dd entered a poem and a literacy narrative last year.

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