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Spellwell question


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I got Spellwell after seeing some recommendations for it on these boards, so I'm hoping someone can help me with this annoying issue.  I got the teacher book (level C/CC) primarily because I wanted to have the list of spelling words with sentences prepared for the pretests and weekly tests....But I don't see that the teacher book has the word lists, let alone sample sentences to read during the tests.  The only way I have of reading the words to my child (since the only place they are printed is in  the book that she is writing in) is to take a picture of them and read them off the picture.  I don't understand why the word lists aren't in the teacher book.  What am I missing?  What do you guys read from when dictating spelling tests?  

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LOL. Ok so now I know it's not just me. :-) We're using A/AA for Grade 2. I only made it through one week before I sat down one night and typed out all the words into a Word table by Lesson number. My daughter and I love Spellwell so far. Wish they had a downloadable pdf of the words for each level. If we continue to love it, then I'll just make a B/BB word list next year.

Edited by CTVKath
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I used Spell well before switching yo Spelling Workout. I didn't realize there should be a list of sentences (but I really appreciate it now!). I just winged it. But it bugged me every week that there was no list of words for each week in the teacher book. I just had her do the pretest on a separate paper, and I held the book.

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I know it's not an insurmountable problem and is more of an annoyance than a serious issue.  But geez...you'd think the teacher book would include the spelling words!!  Plus, I rely on having some very open & go curricula to go along with some of the other things we do, because I work and have child care/homeschooling help.  I think I'll end up writing or typing out the word lists myself, and I like the idea of going ahead and copying all the lessons at one time.   

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