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23 and Me found my cousin!


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Not that he was lost, lol. But it did tell me they had found a probable first cousin, based solely on DNA. And sure enough, it IS my cousin! I messaged him to confirm it was him. I'd ignored the DNA relatives section before, but I guess it is more accurate than I realized!

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I found a cool relative through 23 and me. Her grandfather was my great grandfather. She remembered my grandfather and his brother (my great Uncle) who stopped through her house on their way back from their WWII deployments. They lived in Michigan, so my grandfather and his brother went there to buy a car to share in Alabama. My great uncle was stationed in the Pacific and came back with malaria. My grandfather told me the story of him driving through Michigan, sometimes with the heat blasting and sometimes with the windows rolled down and the AC blasting depending on how Jack was feeling. It was neat to hear confirmation of that story. I think we are second cousins, once removed? I'm always terrible about figuring out that kind of family relation.

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