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6th grade pre-Alg suggestions please - JA?


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How long does this program take typically?

Truly accessible for a 6th grader?


I was thinking about jumping in about December and working thru summer if it's a full year program.

How teacher intensive?


Thanks for your thoughts.

We are doing a comprehensive review of all math learned so far before jumping in to Pre-Alg.

But as I've learned so much from the past . . . . it's ok to plunge ahead too. :laugh:


I've had NO time to research pre-alg this summer and would LOVE more input or suggestions. . .

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JA took my kid about 2/3 of the school year, though we were doing other things alongside it and he did it at a time when his anxiety was pretty flared up, so I'm going to say it's really, on its own, a half year program. However, at the Arbor School, where the program originated, my understanding is that they do it over the course of the full year and have many supplements, especially for topics in geometry and so forth, that aren't covered in JA.


It's written to the student, but I found it to be teacher intensive. I think this is one of those things where YMMV a great deal though. But the style of instruction was a little different and it was most beneficial for me to read the text alongside my student and make sure he was getting it. Then he needed me to check problems after he finished. And he needed me to go over the notes to self. So, for us, overall, pretty teacher intensive, especially for a pre-A.


I think it's an awesome program right for a lot of kids and situations... but now that we've moved on from it, I also think it's not right for a lot of kids. It was just okay for ds. Some things about it were perfect - the discovery approach, the talkative style, the funny examples. Other things weren't so great - particularly the notes to self and the limited problem sets - I like having options for that since sometimes a few well-chosen problems is perfect and sometimes he needs more practice and spiral review. Still, JA was based in large part on Jacobs's and he moved into Jacobs's Elementary Algebra and it's been a great fit.

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Positives of JA here were that I love the way it explains the conceptual/why behind the math using a discovery method. For example, JA had an excellent explanation of the "why" behind using operations with negative numbers. I didn't find anything nearly as good in any other materials I found. The text itself was engaging for my son. I felt it had challenge in it without being frustrating or overwhelming. 


Negatives here were, foremost, my kid needs more review/spiral to help things stick. Using a spiral pre-algebra program alongside JA was perfect here. Alone it would not have been enough for my child. Also, I agree with Farrar above that this program benefits from the teacher learning alongside/being able to be there for discussion and assistance. 

Edited by sbgrace
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Hey thanks so much both of you for the depth as I obviously have no experience with this program.


I need to decide how hands on I will be for this subject. I loved Algebra as a kid, but hey it's been awhile. :laugh:  A long while.

So do many folks using JA along another program? What programs are spiral and straight forward?


I  do love explaining the why behind math if I can get in the right mindset.

Edited by RosieCotton
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My kid who didn't use JA used Dolciani, which is definitely very straightforward and traditional, as well as thorough, with an emphasis on good word problems. There is review, but it's not heavy on it - I wouldn't call it spiral.


If you're unsure about what program to use, seriously, that Fence Straddlers thread on the Logic board is worth a read. JA isn't discussed as much at the start because it's an older thread and JA is such a new program, but all the other big options are well covered.

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