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Need tips for starting homeschooling consulting business...

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So, I have been a homeschool evaluator in PA for the last few years.  It is going wonderfully and many of my families would like consulting in various forms.  Some have asked for help designing curricula.  Some have asked for regular check-ins throughout the year, just to keep them motivated. Some only want a beginning of the year consultation.  Some want guidance for high schoolers regarding transcripts and essays and SAT prep.


I am at a loss as to how to proceed.  


More than anything, I just need to figure out the logistics on how to begin this kind of small business.  How do I begin?  What are my options in collecting basic info on these families and accepting payment?  How much should I charge?  What kinds of questions do I ask a parent before starting to help with designing curricula?  Should I have them fill out forms first - if so, what should I ask?  What other services should I offer?


I have a meeting scheduled with a local (and very busy) college counselor (who happened to homeschool this year and was one of my clients).  She would like to see how we can work together.  What can I offer her?  What can she offer me?


So many questions.  So many different avenues.


If you have any advice, whether specific or general, please let me know.  I have been static about this for several months.

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Maybe just start with an hourly rate? I wouldn't get hung up on data collection and forms to start with. I bet as you talk to some families who you know and who are already interested, you'll think of things you would need to know about completely new families and can make up an intro packet bit by bit.

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