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stupid Walmart


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The lady who rang up my stuff was a complete spazz.  I had one chicken that she rang up 7 times in a row before realizing she was doing that.  She kept ringing and deleting...ringing and deleting.  It was like she was on crack. Seriously.  After that I looked at the receipt and just thought no way she got this right after all that.  So I wheeled my stuff over to the customer service desk.  After a lot of going back and forth they just refunded everything (nearly $200 worth of stuff) and rerang it.  It was off by several dollars (in my favor).  Then I got home and realized I forgot the damn chicken.  I don't feel like driving back there (it's far out and I usually don't go to that particular store anyway). 





Edited by SparklyUnicorn
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I don't know if I should laugh or not. How crazy. I'm going to add my recent Walmart stories. One day I did a price check on an item. I did not get the item. The cashier said she voided it. Well, I didn't realize til I got home that she did not in fact delete it, but I didn't have the shirt. So how would I prove that I didn't have the shirt? I called the store immediately and they said it was fine, I could show them the receipt and get a refund. I said don't you need my information? I'm afraid no one will believe me. I can leave my name and number. She refused and said she would just tell all the customer service staff. I was like uhh. I said it might be a few days before I can come back. She assured me it would be fine. So then I went in there another day and caught the cashier that rang me up and asked if she remembered me and the shirt and all that. It took her a min. but she said she did recall and I said well maybe you can vouch for me then. I said I think the name of the manager was something like "so and so" on the phone. She said that manager no longer works here. I was like really? And customer service was closed for the night. I thought hmm maybe I can handle this now because the longer I take the more likely I'll be stuck with this shirt charge. So I found some managers and explained the whole story. They said oh "so and so?" and seemed to think she did work there but just wasn't around? Uhh. Ok. I told them the cashier was there and remembered me. They went ahead and gave me my money back right then. Phew.


Friday night ds and dh had car trouble. There was no where to go but Walmart. They had a lot of customers. Dh and ds spent literally like 6 hours in walmart. I asked why they didn't leave. They said they kept having to check on the status and talk to people in the auto dept. They did grocery shopping when they thought it was safe but it took longer so dh got permission to park his cart inside the dairy cooler. I felt horrible for them. Then the next day the tire said low. They went to be seen again. Employees were trying to close soon and tried to shoo them away. Said that they could ride home and let it flatten and just buy an air compressor. WHAT?! They finally got seen and censor fixed and said one tire had wrong size valve? Got a $25 gift card for their trouble. Then today issues with tire pressure. Spent a few hours waiting on service. Told the whole story again, but luckily two employees recognized dh so they had an idea of how much time he'd been there this week. They said they'd make it right. They checked censors on all tires and I guess fixed them and/or valves. Dh pointed out that they didn't put the right size lug bolts? on one tire. They tried to tell him to go buy his own. He thought what, that's just as bad as telling me to buy an air compressor after you guys botched up the tire job. So he pushed back a bit and they were like well we don't sell them here, bring your receipt for them. Lol I know they are cheap but it's the principle. We are so over that tire place but have some type of year tire balance/rotation now?


Someone did recommend another place for us to go, but of course we had limited options when all this happened. Dh feels like being stuck in Walmart all week has been his personal hell. I was with them today. I tried to make the most of it. Did my shopkick lol.

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