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CC: Trail Life


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Our area just got a new troop that started this late winter. DS7 has been going and likes it.


I know it's new, but it seems very disorganized. Maybe it's just this troop.


Are any of you involved? Thoughts? When do they begin badge work? Every time the leaders are asked it does not seem like they have a plan.

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I'm not involved but there is a troop associated with one of dd's co op groups. The leader has spoken a few times with the Co op parents. He's retired military. I cannot imagine that their troop is disorganized.


Your troop is new and the leaders are still finding their way. But. If the leaders can't make time to get it really going after one year of existence I wonder if they ever will, without help.


I suggest eithervolunteering with some admin jobs to ease the load on the leaders or finding a BSA troop. Maybe one sponsored by a Catholic parish would meet your needs?

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We checked out the local troop and chose not to join at this time because of the indicated time commitment. They live, breathe, and die Trail Life. There were activities every single week and weekend. We knew we couldn't meet that level and worried ds would feel left out because we weren't there every waking minute. They were definitely organized. To the extreme. But the troop has been around a while. I wonder if you could call another nearby troop and ask questions like you were looking to join and feel out some things??

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