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Teaching Multiple Levels of AAS in a year


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My DS, who will be 10 in the fall, completed AAS Level 4 four this past school year. He did well and enjoyed it. We worked on spelling 3 days a week. Reading some posts here, I notice that some are completing more than one level in a year. If you have done this, how did you organize it? Any other advice?

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We use AAS about 4 days a week. That being said, often when you see someone here on the forum say that their kid is going through multiple AAS levels in a year, it is usually Levels 1 & 2, which are pretty easy. Even my dd, who is not a natural speller at all, got through both in about a year and a half. I do not anticipate she will go through Level 3 as quickly.

Edited by knitgrl
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My DS is a natural speller. We started AAS concurrently with AAR, and at some point we dropped the tiles from both and he just wrote everything out for AAS. This simplified the lessons and I just break up the lessons based on his writing stamina so we do it a little everyday breaking up the sentences over a few days. When I bought AAS 3 I just bought the TM and not the cards. I just make a list on my phone of any words he missed to review until he has them down.

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My DS, who will be 10 in the fall, completed AAS Level 4 four this past school year. He did well and enjoyed it. We worked on spelling 3 days a week. Reading some posts here, I notice that some are completing more than one level in a year. If you have done this, how did you organize it? Any other advice?


It sounds like your son is doing great! No need to go faster or spend more time on spelling unless you want to.


My kids went through levels 1, 2, and part of 3 their first year (they were 9 and 11--oldest almost finished 3, while my youngest was just getting started in that level). This was working 4-5 days per week, and doing 15-20 minute lesson times. After that, my kids usually did 1 or 1.5 levels per year working that much (we often did the All About Homophones book on Fridays, so we usually worked just M-TH on spelling.) I had struggling spellers who needed lots of review, but AAS definitely helped them to be a lot more successful with spelling.

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