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I have a 5200 that I bought as a refurb from Vitamix. It holds the same warranty as new ones and everything except the motor base is brand new. The motor base was used in demos, so basically a non-issue for me that it was used. It is $379 and you can usually find a coupon for free shipping.


You can buy a 4500 for $319 from a co-op, plus actual shipping to you.


The difference between the models is that the 4500 has on/off, low/high. The 5200 has a dial for speeds in between low and high. I make my own butter and I need the variable speed dial.

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I have a VitaMix Super 5000 that I inherited from my Dad. We have made shakes with it once.


It sits on my counter where I can see it every day and feel awful for not knowing what to do with it. (I'm kitchen challenged.)


So,tell me what you want to do with yours when you get it, and if anyone else would share what they do with theirs I'd greatly appreciate it.

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I don't own either, but am wanting a Blend Tec. I have a friend that has a Vitamix and she found this one later. She wished she would have bought a Blend Tec. One reason is she said the Vitamix doesn't fit under her cabinets and it's a pain. I know that's a minor reason, but if you're spending that kind of money, you might want everything to be just right. Also, check out YouTube and watch the videos of the Blend Tec chopping different things up like a Nike shoe. Just search Blend Tec and you'll see lots of different videos come up.



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I have a VitaMix Super 5000 that I inherited from my Dad. We have made shakes with it once.


Wanna sell it? :001_smile:


Thanks for the replies, guys.


How do I find the co-ops?


How do I find refurbs from Vitamix?


Thanks for the info about the BlendTec. I'm looking into it. :)



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I originally bought the 5000 and returned it in my 30 day trial period. It didn't have the new container that did not contain BPA. And since BPA leaches through heat and things get heated up in the Vitamix, I opted for the safer albeit more expensive model.


Refurbs are on the Vitamix store site. Vitamix also has roadshows that goes to Costco. Those are a pretty good price, too.

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I have a BlendTec and have had it almost 8 years. When I purchased it, it had an 8 year warranty. There were quite a few problems with the container in the beginning, but I haven't had to replace one for a couple of years now.


I use my blender almost every day. It whips milk for my lattes. LOL Smoothies are easy. I use it to blend cans of tomatoes into sauce. I make blender pancakes with it. I use it to grind some of my grains.


One thing to remember. With the blendtec, you need to have liquid in the bottom, or it will not blend well. It also cavitates quite easily with cold stuff.


I've never been able to make it work like a food processor, though they say that it will do it.


Overall, it was a great purchase and has served us well.

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What does "cavitates" mean?



It gets so cold that the stuff inside hardly moves and the blender starts to jump all over the counter.


Some might think this is rather nifty, say, if you were a 7 yo or a 10 yo, but the stuff inside doesn't end up mixing very well. I think that this is written about in the BlendTec material. It's the reason for making sure that there is enough liquid in the blender before running it.


I don't know if this is an issue with the Vitamix. I would imagine that it is, but I haven't the experience with that particular blender to be able to compare. Then again, I really push my kitchen appliances. :)

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I'm not really cool in the kitchen.


Neither am I, which is why I want a Vita Mix. I want to get cool. :D


I was impressed with myself today. I had the bright idea to mix mashed avocado and pb to make avocado nut butter. It was very good!



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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest pajamapants
I would like to start saving money to get a Vitamix. Maybe after I get my Christmas money I can buy one. But there seem to be lots of models. Which one should I get?



Boy Howdy do I love my Vita-Mix!


I've had it 3 months now and I use it everyday to make smoothies. I love it so much I got my sister one for Xmas for only $299 And with free shipping using a coupon code here: http://vita-mix.greensmoothies.info


They pretty much just sell one kind - the Vita-mix 5200; the difference between the packages offered is how much "stuff" you get with them.


The "regular" 5200 is just the blender and a container and a recipe book. The "super" comes with an additional container specifically for grinding flours and kneading dough.The "deluxe" comes with the super stuff plus a third compact smaller container and more recipes books/dvds and some other stuff like spatulas and cutting boards.


So which you get depends on what you want to use it for. If you blend hard and blend often you will love your vitamix too!

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