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Didn't finish CLE English 4 and SM 4B last year...finish or move on?

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I think I would just keep going in the LA.  You have them, right? I did this once with my oldest, we hadn't finished R&S 7, so we just picked up where we left off. This might help with your stresses this year,too, as you can make it your goal just to finish level 4 and then pick up level 5 when you can. CLE ends at 8th grade and you could extend grammar into 9th if you want or decide at that point that she's done.


I'm not sure what to tell you about Singapore as I just used it in second grade and don't have friends using it currently.   It would depend on the  topics that are covered, how quick she is in math, how much it is actually review. If it's new concepts in fractions, multiplication or division, I wouldn't. If it's graphing, measurement, geometry I would just move on with a good math student. Can you give her the tests and see how she does?


Ok--I looked at a TOC.  I you've done through Review B (completed the decimal chapter), I would probably be comfortable moving on.

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I'm not sure which version you are using, but I just pulled out my 4B standards edition. Assuming you are fully covering the decimals topics. I would not skip the coordinates section or the sections about operations with measurements & volume. The geometry sections about symmetry and tessellation could be skipped, but they are really quite short and quick to cover. Within in the graphing section, I would be sure to cover the probability topic. We just completed 5B.

The topics past decimals aren't terribly time consuming...is it possible to pull it out and work on it a few days a week through the summer?


Edited by calbear
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