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Adoption Party Plan Progress Update

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Yea! DFS's is adopted.


He's now part of our forever family, forever. When the judge said, "Adoption means it's as good as if you gave birth to him yourself. . . " was my favorite moment of the day. :D


We were all there plus gma and gpa. DFD 17 months was loopy tired, but it was OK cuz she was so cute. The other kids were super well-behaved. I was so proud of them. Even when dd 9 crawled under the table in the judges chambers during the ceremony to retrieve his lost paper clips was endearing, "don't want the baby to eat them!"


NOW, onto the party! 41 people have RSPV'd!!!


The moonwalk jumpy thingy has been reserved.


I ordered the party platters tonight (veggies, fruit, sandwiches, and cookies). Gm'as are both bringing food they wanted to bring, baked beans, potato salad, and nuts & bolts party mix.


I made my list of paper goods and misc. items to get tomorrow from the store (soda/drinks, plates, napkins, silverware, cups, playdough, guest book, name tags, chips, and ingrediants for chip dip)


I'll start cleaning Friday afternoon. My mom arrives Friday afternoon.


It's terrifying and exciting all at the same time. :001_smile:

Edited by CalicoKat
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