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juggling Lightening Lit and History Odyssey

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Uhhh Yeah so I have both of these and started reading them.  There is a lot there!  I think it's probably too much.  Trying to figure out what to cut or how to configure.  I should have just gone with HO I think. 


Has anyone been crazy enough to use both?  Orrr has anyone used HO and cut some of it out and had that work out fine? 


I'm sure I'll figure it out, but hmmm.



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HO has a LOT. We cut out parts as needed and don't worry about it.


I'm thinking of just using HO.  I can do LL after (or next year) and pick something else for history with that.  I like the reading selections in HO and that'll work out great for ELA I think.  And there is writing in it.


I kinda wished I had not bought both, but it's hard to get a sense for stuff with only a few sample pages. 

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I'm thinking of just using HO. I can do LL after (or next year) and pick something else for history with that. I like the reading selections in HO and that'll work out great for ELA I think. And there is writing in it.


I kinda wished I had not bought both, but it's hard to get a sense for stuff with only a few sample pages.

Yeah. The writing assignments -- some are good, and some aren't as good. I pick and choose. What one are you using? My son absolutely loved everything on the ancients and medieval lists for level 2. My daughter found that some of the modern and early modern level 2 literature books were good and some weren't. There are a few I wouldn't use again -- Oliver Twist, Things Fall Apart, and possibly Connecticut Yankee.


Fwiw, I assign HO in their history slot, but for the lit parts of it, I assign those to the lit slot. So they might have pages from Kingfisher to read and summaries or dates on the same day as chapters from one of the fiction books. We've used WWS alongside of HO, but we suspend WWS if HO has an essay or major writing project. I use HO for their lit and fill in any spaces with other things I want them to read.

Edited by happypamama
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Fwiw, I assign HO in their history slot, but for the lit parts of it, I assign those to the lit slot. So they might have pages from Kingfisher to read and summaries or dates on the same day as chapters from one of the fiction books. We've used WWS alongside of HO, but we suspend WWS if HO has an essay or major writing project. I use HO for their lit and fill in any spaces with other things I want them to read.

Ditto. I gave ds the choice between two history options this year and he picked HO level 2 again. He did ancients this past school year and will do the Level 2 Medieval this year. We also use WWS, though we tend to skip HO writing assignments and focus on WWS instead.

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Yeah. The writing assignments -- some are good, and some aren't as good. I pick and choose. What one are you using? My son absolutely loved everything on the ancients and medieval lists for level 2. My daughter found that some of the modern and early modern level 2 literature books were good and some weren't. There are a few I wouldn't use again -- Oliver Twist, Things Fall Apart, and possibly Connecticut Yankee.


Fwiw, I assign HO in their history slot, but for the lit parts of it, I assign those to the lit slot. So they might have pages from Kingfisher to read and summaries or dates on the same day as chapters from one of the fiction books. We've used WWS alongside of HO, but we suspend WWS if HO has an essay or major writing project. I use HO for their lit and fill in any spaces with other things I want them to read.


We are going to use Modern Times Level 2. 


I don't mind tweaking as necessary.  The first book is Around the World in 80 Days.  I have the original and started reading it.  I thought oh wordy and kinda dry so I found another slightly tweaked version.  The language is still challenging enough and it's not dumbed down, but it takes out some of the references he'd never get and the flow is better.  


Oddly my other kid thought Oliver Twist was an awesome book.  I didn't like it, but he did.  So I never know what my kids will go for. 


We are also working through EIW.  So I think there will be plenty of writing.  Just adding on LL would be too much. 

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