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I need encouragement to continue homeschooling ds

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He has always been a bright boy but he doesn't always show it. I don't know if it is his age (he's 10) or if there is something else going on. For instance in math he usually does great. He really seems to understand it but then some days he is clueless. He has learned all of the basic pre-algebra concepts yet on some days he doesn't seem to even remember how to add. He always does well on the Iowa tests (90% or above) so I know that he really does understand it.


In grammar he is able to diagram a complete sentence and seems to understand as I am going through the lesson. Then he seems to draw a blank. We were doing an easy exercise in wordsmith apprentice today. He was supposed to tell what kind of sentence it was (compound subject, compound object, compound predicate or compound sentence). He seemed confused so I told him to go through the sentence and tell me what each part was (subject, verb, etc.). When I asked him what the subject was he gave me the verb and couldn't get any of it right. I don't understand because one day he will understand it completely and the next day it seems to have slipped out of his brain.


I'm really starting to question whether or not I should continue to teach him. It almost seems useless because he doesn't seem to remember anything I teach. I know he is a bright boy but this seems to carry over in all subjects.

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If the issue is helping him really understand and grow in academic ability and confidence, I am not sure you will better acheive those goals by placing him in school. It's probably easier to "tune out" in school than in homeschool.


If the issue is that you are tired and frustrated and wish you didn't have to deal with this, that's different.

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I definitely want to continue to homeschool my son. I enjoy it and he enjoys it. Of course there are always going to be good days and bad days but it really seemed like he was doing great. I'm just discouraged because it doesn't seem like he is retaining information. I don't know if it is just his age. I definitely don't want to give up but I want to do the right thing for him.

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He always does well on the Iowa tests (90% or above) so I know that he really does understand it.


This shows you CAN teach him.


My 10 year old has days like that. I usually back off on those days and do something fun and education, like an art project or history project.


We all have days when we can't remember things or feel "fuzzy". Even kids!

This does not mean you are a bad teacher. It just means he is having a bad day.


Don't give up!

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I have a 10 year old girl, and there are days it seems like she can't remember how to add!


They are growing, and it seems like more energy is needed to grow, leaving less energy for their brains to function. (it's like their synapses can't get enough energy to fire).


Keep being patient with him, relax, and remember that education is a slow process.

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