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Does Writing With Ease get progressively harder through the year?


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For anyone who has used Writing With Ease 1 or 2, I was wondering if the lessons get harder as the weeks go on? Or is it about the same difficulty from week 1 to week 36. 


I would like to use this with my son, but not the whole book. Maybe half one year, then move the the next level the following year. But if the lessons get more difficult each week I'm not sure that I could use it this way.



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It does get incrementally harder if that is what you are asking. 

The lessons are super short. 10 minutes for us. 15 tops maybe. You can easily compact the whole thing by combining day 1 + day 2 and day 3 + day 4. This is what I do. A lot of users do it double speed. Or in our case, if we did it 5 days a week, then we finish 2 1/2 weeks of scheduled lessons. That's what I did with WWE1 and with WWE2. Looking back I can see how the process works up over time to build the skill of narration by the questions. I'm pretty pleased from where we started just naming a fact from the reading selection to being able to narrate an actual summary in 2 or 3 sentences without getting sidetracked by unimportant details from the selection. 

Also, spend as much time as you need to repeat for dictation. I break it up into phrases and add each bit until he is able to repeat the whole thing. I am actually surprised at how well dictation is going. I expect it will get harder as the dictation passages in WWE3 are longer.


Edited by calbear
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I agree with the pp every other week would be better than just the first half. It does increase in difficulty but the steps are small. If you could look at the textbook, it gives a sample week and then says do the next 4(? or so) weeks like this finding your own material. So I took my 3rd grader just through the textbook doing each sample week, and skipping all the practice weeks, and we still got a ton out of it. The work book is great to do all the work laying it out for you, but if you don't need it all, the text book might be a better option



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Thank you for the replies. Every other week, or the textbook sound like good options. I need to look at just the textbook. I like the skills taught, but I didn't want to do it 4 days a week, every single week. We were going to add 6 trait writing too, and I didn't want to overwhelm him with too much.

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