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Is anyone willing to share their 7th grade schedules?


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Looking for start and stop times for each subject, any block scheduling, etc.  I will be honest and say that I have not kept my boys on a set schedule before now.  We school year round and.  It has been fine and we finish our work each year, but I would like a set schedule this year to prepare to get them in the habit of working within a specific time frame.  One of my boys has been asking for one in the past couple of months.  I do a checklist of work for each day, but not with the times.


Thanks so much!

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I can tell you what my 7th grader that just finished looked like: 


Her mornings were very routined daily. 

8:00-9 Math. She didn't require a full hour, and usually got the whole assignment done before 9, even when starting late. 

9:00    EasyPeasy Spanish for 15-20 minutes. She did this completely on her own. We listened to Spanish CDs in the car and at co-op, and occasionally we discussed some things together or worked from a grammar textbook. But this was just for some exposure, and she really liked the links to the games and such. She kept a notebook when they told her to write things. She did a good job. 

9:15-10:00 Thinking Tree Journal. The love of her hsing life this year. She got 40 min. or so a day to color, read, watch a video, do spelling games whatever page she was on that day. We set up at the beginning of the year what books she would work from, so it was kind of like her own little unit study that we set up at the beginning of the year. It also broke up her morning from going from one tough subject to another. 

10:00-11:00 Latin We did the lesson time together at co-op on Fridays. Mon-Thurs she worked through the workbook pages at home. 

11:00-12:00 Spelling and English

12;00 lunch. 


Afternoons varied because of our out of the house activities. 

Mon-1:00-2:00 was read aloud time together. Our read alouds covered literature, art appreciation, history, and Bible. 

Mon evenings after 3 hours of PE out of the house, she sometimes worked on her science or read on her own at night. 


Tuesdays 1:00-2:00 read aloud time, same as above. But sometimes we went longer and she then had history written work too. Our afternoons kind of ran together with no set times for things on Tuesdays. Some days she would do more reading on her own.

                   Sometime in the day she would work on Science. She took a class at co-op. Every week she had reading and experiments to do and notebooking to do. So she would do a little each night or afternoon. 

Tuesdays   4:00 for a lot of the year, we had people over to study for latin exams in the evenings. 

                     expected to read on her own at bedtime from assigned books and for fun.


Wednesday: 1:00-2:00 read alouds and or history 

                       out of the house activities

                        science and reading at night. 

Thursdays.   We had a different morning schedule on Thursdays. One a month we had a co-op activity. One a month we had a field trip. And two a month we attended a different co-op which was a glorified study hall (which was good. We were there for my preschooler.) So on the study hall co-op days I sent geography, science, and latin work to do. On all Thursdays afternoons we finished up latin and science for the week and did math and reading. We didn't do LA besides reading on Thursdays.  Mine often got math and Spanish done before we left for the morning activity, leaving just Latin and reading and finishing up Science homework before co-op in the evening.


Fridays; Full day of co-op classes: art, PE, Latin, Science. Reading at home if no plans that evening. 


My 7th grader rarely had daily homework on the weekends in that she was able to finish her daily work no problem. Homework consisted of reading or projects we were working on or projects from co-op or scouts generally. 

Edited by 2_girls_mommy
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7th grade will be very similar to 6th grade (last year). Math, writing, science, history, and piano/grammar/spelling each get 5 hours a week. Foreign Language gets 1.5 hours a day, but we are currently working on three different languages which is unusual (and a bit burdensome). We start the day at 8:45 and it ends around 4. It is not unusual to have something that needs to be done for school on the weekend.


1x week afternoon co-op, scouts, soccer, ballet all squeeze into the week too, mostly evenings and weekends.

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7th grade will be very similar to 6th grade (last year). Math, writing, science, history, and piano/grammar/spelling each get 5 hours a week. Foreign Language gets 1.5 hours a day, but we are currently working on three different languages which is unusual (and a bit burdensome). We start the day at 8:45 and it ends around 4. It is not unusual to have something that needs to be done for school on the weekend.


1x week afternoon co-op, scouts, soccer, ballet all squeeze into the week too, mostly evenings and weekends.


You have twins?

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Here 7th grade is when we switch from a daily checklist to the kid using a planner to map out the coming week. The planner lends itself to schoolish blocks of time so it's created a natural transition toward a slightly more structured day.


When my older was in 7th, she completed about 5 hrs of schoolwork per day. She would work from 8-11 am (1 hr each for Algebra, Latin, & English). Then she would take a long break to practice her instruments and eat lunch. She would squeeze in about 2 additional hrs of work in the late afternoon & evening around her extracurriculars (about 40 min each for history, science, & French homework). The exact schedule for completing those 2 additional hrs depended on which activities she had that day. All her classes were home-based except for French, which was an online class. I also assigned her a book to read every 1-2 weeks, and she would usually read in the car and before bed. She had a ton of activities that year, and we spent a lot of time driving.


For my rising 7th grader, he will also complete about 5 hrs of schoolwork per day. His tentative schedule is to start with piano practice at 8 am. Then he will work from 9 am-12 pm (1 hr each for Pre-Algebra, Latin, & English). He will take an hour break for lunch and then finish up his work from 1-3 pm (40 min each for history, science, and French). He is also wanting to do logic and art this year, so Fridays will be his lighter day where he spends the morning doing just Pre-Algebra, logic, and art. I will also be assigning him a book to read every 1-2 weeks, but I won't schedule reading times. He enjoys reading and is good about getting it done around baseball practice and scouts.


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You have twins?

Yes, and a third grade dd just for the added challenge! I assume you do also by your board name (can't see signatures on mobile). Scheduling would be more tricky if my twins were significantly separate in academic abilities. Are yours moving through together or do you have to juggle separate curriculum for each? That complicates the scheduling.

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