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For those who have taken TWTM Biology

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I have a question.  Dd is registered for this next year.  She has not taken any online classes other than Lukeion Latin 1-3 and DO Physical Science.  I think biology is going to be a challenge, but a good one.  Since registering, an opportunity for my family to travel overseas has come up.  It will require dd to miss the last week of the fall semester class (the week before exam week).  It is unlikely that we will have reliable access to WIFI and our travel during that week will be hectic making any study difficult.  Can anyone chime in with anything that would help us decide/prepare?  It would be helpful to know what happens during that last week of class (after holiday break and before exams).  It would also help to know if students are typically given a lot of work over the holiday break as we will be traveling during that time as well.  How much flexibility is given for this sort of situation?



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Contact the instructor. Most online instructors we've had have been very flexible in situations like this.


I will do so.  I was just looking for some inside info before knowing exactly what my concerns might be or if it looks insurmountable to reconsider the course for next year.

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If you're only missing a week of classes, that is only 2 days' worth of live lectures. You can always watch the recorded sessions and then see about an extension perhaps for the midterm exam? Mrs. Upperman is really very amenable to extenuating circumstances. She is quite lovely! Midterm last year was due Jan 20.

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