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Workbook curriculum for elementary science?


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I have done Christian Kids Explore Biology and now Earth/Space with my 4th&2nd grade children. We plan on adding Apologia Astronomy next semester. I'm not sure they will be ready to study Chemistry and Physics in the next couple years - though that could be a question for another post! We will use something intense for middle school /high school bc my son and daughter already know they want to have science/medicine careers.


I love how consistent we have been with CLE LA, Math and Reading. They just thrive with workbooks. I don't like CLE for science though bc we like color photos/pics for science. We have made beautiful notebooks for science and read countless library books but it is a lot of work to get that all together. I would like workbooks with added reading. I searched Alpha Omega Lifepacs on the boards and it has horrid reviews. It looks so appealing though! Especially with a lab kit from Home Training Tools. Does anyone like Lifepacs for elementary science? Or any other workbook approach?

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I have done Christian Kids Explore Biology and now Earth/Space with my 4th&2nd grade children. We plan on adding Apologia Astronomy next semester. I'm not sure they will be ready to study Chemistry and Physics in the next couple years - though that could be a question for another post! We will use something intense for middle school /high school bc my son and daughter already know they want to have science/medicine careers.


I love how consistent we have been with CLE LA, Math and Reading. They just thrive with workbooks. I don't like CLE for science though bc we like color photos/pics for science. We have made beautiful notebooks for science and read countless library books but it is a lot of work to get that all together. I would like workbooks with added reading. I searched Alpha Omega Lifepacs on the boards and it has horrid reviews. It looks so appealing though! Especially with a lab kit from Home Training Tools. Does anyone like Lifepacs for elementary science? Or any other workbook approach?


I have used Alpha Omega Science before for elementary. It was hard for me because I was overseas and couldn't get the 'around the house' stuff for the experiments. I would use them again if we went back to workbooks, however. I actually clicked on this thread to recommend them before I knew that's what you're looking at.


Personally, I prefer Apologia elemen. or Real Science 4 Kids, but for something workbooky and easy to use Alpha Omega is very good! Overall these boards aren't into workbooks, I think, so could be why the bad review. :001_smile:

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