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MP3 players? Which one to get...

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I'm sold on iPods. You could get a Nano. It will come with a set of ear buds and a cord to hook it to your computer to load songs and charge.


There are lots of other mp3 players out there, but iPods are in a class of their own, imo!


Ria (whose family of 8 has 8 iPods)

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A little bit depends on what you want to use it for. If it's mainly for music and podcasts, I'd highly recommend an iPod. They're technically not mp3 players (they use a different encoding format), but the user-interface is terrific, the audio quality is excellent, and they've pretty much become the defacto standard portable music device.


If you want one mainly to download audio books from the library or something like audible.com, you will need an mp3 player, as the digital rights issues prohibit ipod users from downloading these types of files. That being said, if you will be borrowing books on CD, you can still use an ipod for those.


You will need some kind of music management system for your computer. If you go with an iPod, you will want to use iTunes. (iTunes works with both Macs and PCs.) If you go with another device, there are a few systems out there. You will likely get info about recommended software with whatever device you decide to get. This software helps you store and organize your music, podcasts, audiobooks, etc on your computer and lets you add and remove these items from your device (called "synchronizing").


Anyway, hope that helps! Gotta hop in the shower before mass.



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My oldest dd has a Zune. It can play all sorts of music and videos, too!! You can store pictures on it as well.


She LOVES it!!!


We just bought the docking station for it yesterday -- that's going under the Christmas tree! -- it has speakers....and it recharges it ... and it has a radio, clock, and alarm -- $50!! A docking station for some of the other MP3 players can cost 3 or 4 times that amount.


We bought hers at Circuit City...but Toys R Us carries them as well.

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The main thing I am wanting it for is to download audio books, classical music and things from the internet. I don't really care about videos, pictures etc...




An ipod is not for you then. Here is a link to a friend of mine's blog where she discusses this issue. It may be helpful:



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If you want one mainly to download audio books from the library or something like audible.com, you will need an mp3 player, as the digital rights issues prohibit ipod users from downloading these types of files. That being said, if you will be borrowing books on CD, you can still use an ipod for those.



Not 100% true - an iPod will play anything you get from Audible just fine (they are actually who provides the audio books to iTunes).


The system my library used (they canceled the service this summer) was not compatable with the iPod because of DRM.


Also, an iPod can play an MP3 file - but if it is a purchased or protected MP3 then no, you can't play it. I actually use iTunes to manage my kids MP3 players (Disney Mix Max), it just won't sync directly. I have to mount the player as a disk and drag from iTunes onto the players.


HEre is a link at Apple that will help see what files can be played.



PC users need to download a thingy from Audible to use those files - see the "device center" at Audible for help on that.


Having had both a plain MP3 and iPods in the house - we are going all iPod here!

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Doesn't quite have the cool factor as the Ipod, but not as pricey either. We have the Sansa Clip and love it. Comes in several colors and mb. Both my dds (8 & 6) and my husband have one. It is easy to load music on to it and audiobooks. If you are going to do books get one with a lot of memory.


Here is a link to amazon with reviews:


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