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A little back story...


I used ABEKA Math and Reading for my daughter in K-2.  By end of first grade she was reading on an early 4th grade level.  She is still using their Math in 3rd and I love it.  


My older son used ABEKA for reading in K and 1 and it just isn't going well.  He is finishing up first grade.  I'm over it and he is over it.  Just over it.  My 4 year old is coming along and is quite advanced in his reading skills.  But I am so over ABEKA that I don't want to use it again.  


I have a friend selling a complete AAR Level 1 and 2 for a ridiculously low amount.  I'm considering moving to it and using it for my 4 year old next year but also for my older son (Level 2) as a better foundation.  He uses AAS, so can he jump into AAR 2??  


Also, do people love AAR better than ABEKA?  It is still teacher intensive (of course it is reading) but it is more fun than ABEKA?  It looks like it, but I'd love to hear from people who have used it.


Thanks so much for your help!!  

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We love AAR! My youngest did ABeka for K at private school. We did AAR in first when we switched back to homeschooling. He started right at level 1 because he had struggled with reading and I wanted to be sure he had a good foundation. My oldest did AAR level 1-3 in K/first grade and went to private school for 2nd grade. He picked up reading quickly and was a top reader in his class testing at over a 6th grade level.

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I was using Abeka k5 then about half way in wanted to try AAR - everyone was raving about it! I bought the kit directly because I knew they have a great return policy. We did it for a couple weeks and it was too much for both dd and I. The games are not 'fun' and the tiles were more confusing then 'hands on'. She did not enjoy the first reader since some of the stories were not how most sentences are worded/structured. I am really unsure how anyone can say it is open and go - it took more time then Abeka, but I guess I have a feel for Abeka and know what to do when and what to review if a child needs it. I returned AAR and am loving Abeka phonics :)

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We switched from CLE Learning to Read to AAR 2. It made all the difference in the world! My daughter loved it and recently finished AAR 2. She's a confident and competent reader. She needed something more hands-on and AAR was just what she needed. (We are using OPGTR for the last bit of the school year since another level of AAR isn't in the budget until fall.) 



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