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Accountability Thread: 4/9-4/15

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Good morning! I realized I have 4 weeks left in spring quarter today. And then I'll probably take two weeks off before starting summer quarter.

Today I've got a lot to get through. I have all the copying that should have been done Friday. I had to wait on toner. I'm still tending a sick chicken. There's linens to wash and food to cook. I have two critiques to do and a beta-reading session for another writer. I have my own editing and a chapter or two to polish for the beta-reader I'm trading out with. And I still think I might like a nap somewhere in that day, but I don't quite see how to get it.


As far as the school year is concerned, I'm pleased with the progress. We should finish up French this week. History and Science are done. Math will be done in two weeks, and I'll just start the review book of the next series to give us something to keep math skills fresh. Writing and Latin can go up to the break, no problem. Basically, I'm ahead of where I expected to be. So I don't feel stressed about school.


I'm a little stressed about my writing. I think I can still finished up my planned work for April, but it's going to be a race to the finish.

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Good Monday. I got through most of my to-do list yesterday, and I'm still tired.

Today's schedule:

French-Cp 16, workbook, review vocabulary

Latin-continue lesson 12, workbook, grammar and vocabulary review

Math-Lesson 4

Grammar/Comp-select new spelling words, grammar lesson, Day 1 WWS


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Writing, Housekeeping, Cooking

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Good morning. Tuesday's schedule:

French-continue lesson 16, review

Latin-I think we have a verb conjugation drill to do today, review, continue lesson 12

Math-Lesson 5

Grammar/Comp-spelling practice, grammar exercise, WWS Day 2


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Writing, Housekeeping, Writers' Meeting.

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Happy Wednesday.

Today's schedule:

French-Lesson 16 continued

Latin-Lesson 12 continued

Math-Lesson 6

Grammar/Composition-spelling practice, grammar exercise, WWS Day 3


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Writing, Housekeeping, Pizza Night.

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Ugh. Thursday and I'm not that great today.

Today's hopeful schedule:

No art-I begged off

Math-Lesson 7

Grammar/Composition-Spelling practice, some typing practice, maybe. Depends on whether or not I'm up for it.


For me: Writing in bed, I think. Chores. I don't see me doing housekeeping or cooking unless I feel better by this afternoon.

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Hope you are feeling better by now, Critter! Writing in bed sounds great.


I'm lesson planning in bed, and studying languages, and reading a crime novel/policier. I should get up and clean soon. The house is kinda scary except for what I cleaned yesterday. DH is off work tomorrow and hopefully for the next two weeks if the baby comes. He'll go back to work on Wednesday if not but my mom will be here so today is at least my last day taking care of things alone. Yay.


4 year old is the only one who won't let me off teaching school. I do like teaching number bonds to 20 though so it is kinda fun. Listening to him giggle and be so proud of himself is the best. His numbers are very normal for a four year old -- big and wiggly. But he is so proud, he keeps saying things like "That's the best 4 ever!" And "look a perfect 3!".. So nice to have a reminder of why I love homeschooling while my 8 year old is being a punk.

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Short answer--it's okay. Long answer--no, didn't like it. I like the instructor--hate the length of the lessons. I like the book--hate that the answer key doesn't have the lesson, so that means I have to have a book or copy a lesson so that I can follow along as the instructor. Like the vocabulary--hate that I have to make cards and figure out the drill schedule. Like the audio--hate that I have to find the stupid track every time. 

We'll be giving MP French a run next year, I think.

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Good Friday morning!

Today's schedule:

French-review and workbook

Latin-review, a page of translation

Math-1/2 of lesson 8

Grammar/Composition-spelling quiz, exercise on phrasal verbs, WWS Day 4


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Writing, Housekeeping. If I get on the stick, we may possibly go to the river to kayak this afternoon.

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Short answer--it's okay. Long answer--no, didn't like it. I like the instructor--hate the length of the lessons. I like the book--hate that the answer key doesn't have the lesson, so that means I have to have a book or copy a lesson so that I can follow along as the instructor. Like the vocabulary--hate that I have to make cards and figure out the drill schedule. Like the audio--hate that I have to find the stupid track every time. 

We'll be giving MP French a run next year, I think.


Thank-you for your reply!

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