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RSO Chemistry


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Hi, I purchased RSO Chemistry. I read that it is recommended for 2x per week. Has anyone used this curriculum and did you do it 2x per week and how long (min) did each lesson take you and your students to complete. I am looking for an average time so I can block it out in my planner.



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I've been looking at RSO chemistry today.  Thinking about doing it again.  Thought I'd give you my thoughts even though I've only done about 10 experiments.  It's been a while, but if I remember correctly it doesn't take that long.  I would budget I guess an hour.  15 mins to prepare (look over the information, gather stuff, etc.); 30 mins for the actually experiment; and 15 mins for clean up.  But like I said I didn't do all of the experiments. 


I hope this helps.  :)

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