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Thoughts on BJU English for 4th or 5th?


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Just wondering for those of you who have done this, if you've found it an effective program for teaching writing and/or grammar. We're doing CLE this year, and then I bought the BJU distance learning program for 3rd grade because I was pregnant and just needed to take something off my plate. Plus, I felt that the writing in CLE was weak, so wanted them to write more. I must say, I really like the teacher (Mrs. Cox) and they really seem to like sitting down and learning from someone else.


Thinking about next year (if we choose to keep homeschooling which is up in the air), would this be a good grammar/writing program? I'm just lost in this area but the idea of someone else teaching (DL) is exactly what I need. Thoughts?

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We used BJU English through 6th grade, and I thought it was an excellent program.   We never did the distance learning, but just did the student workbook independently.   I liked BJU's approach of systematic, step-by-step instructions for writing.   We did add IEW after a point (around 5th grade for DS, a bit younger for DD), but you might not need any additional writing with the DL option.   The grammar instruction is excellent and builds in a gentle way each year.


Just a heads up - BJU's format totally switches gears in 7th grade.   It's much more classroom-oriented at that level, relying more on discussion, and is very difficult to do independently.  

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