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Math Mammoth 1


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Those of you that have used MM 1, how many pages did you do a day.  I have been using it with my almost 6 year old, and my 7.5 year old the last month.  We are only on page 33 of 1A so far, because we are taking it really slow (somedays only doing a section on a page, not the whole page).  It seems like a lot of problems on each page, and I don't really feel confident picking and choosing what to cross out.  At this rate I feel that we are never going to get done with grade 1.  I am in no hurry with my almost 6 year old, but I am concerned that I need to move faster with my 7.5 year old.

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With my DD who just turned 6 and is in KG, we do about one page a day.  I don't push her though; if she's especially unenthused, we do less than a page.  Since we start MM2 in KG (did the same with my older DD), we take it slowly at first and just try to finish before the end of 1st grade.  By second grade, we try to get the text done in the course of the year.  

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My 1st grade DD is working through MM1 now. My goal is to have her do about 2 pages each day, but that doesn't always happen. It depends on what's being taught and how well she understands it. Some things she moves through quickly, others we have to go slower. Also, as others have mentioned, I don't make her do every problem on the page (except for word problems). I'll have her do about half, and if she gets them correct, we move on. If she gets any incorrect, I have her do a few more until she understands the concept.


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We've used (and loved!) MM since about halfway through Mr. Inquisitive's kinder year. In K and 1st I aimed for 2 pages a day. This year, in 2nd, he does 3/day and that seems to be the sweet spot for him between not enough and overwhelming​. Like others have mentioned we don't do all the problems - I'd say on average he does between half and two thirds of the problems on a page. This takes him 25-40 minutes per day depending on difficulty and/or level of distractedness. I want to say that we averaged a solid 15-25 minutes for most of K and 1st.

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