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Composition Remediation

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My son will be 17 starting next year but he isn't a quick writer nor is he really proficient. His spelling and grammar aren't perfect but adequate or average at least. Getting words on a paper though is torture.  I have paid for a private tutor but it may be time to have a class. I don't feel I personally have the skill set to break down writing for him and he needs to be prepared for college. 


Does anyone have specific class recommendations for a young man with great vocabulary, ok spelling and grammar but in need of remediation at the process of putting all his thoughts on paper and turning out an actual research paper or opinion essay (which is even more difficult then the research paper).  



I've looked at Potter's School but am worried it will leave him in the dust. I've looked at Write At Home but am unsure of the quality of their teaching. If there are specific classes or teacher's at either I would love to hear reviews. 



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This year I used Bravewriter in a similar situation. Honestly, the price tag is a killer but it directly addressed my son's needs. He also has a strong vocabulary and his spelling and grammar are rarely an issue. But - the drama! The torture!!!


He started with Kidswrite Intermediate and then took Expository Essay: Exploratory and Persuasive. I also signed him up for the May SAT Essay Class, as he really needs to work on timed essays before college.


I am planning to move on from Bravewriter next year...but I am keeping some money aside for an additional class if I think he really needs one.

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I would be worried that most classes would either go to fast and leave him behind or be aimed at a younger group and not get him up to where he needs to be.


I also used Brave Writer for a son who sounds very similar to yours. We started a little younger, so we could spread it out over a few more years of high school, but it could be done in a shorter time as well.


For someone who doesn't like to get words on paper, I'd start with Kidswrite Intermediate and then Expository Essay - Exploratory and Persuasive. From there, there are many choices - MLA research essay, SAT timed essay, more expository essay classes, fiction classes. It depends on what he needs and what is offered.


The price tag is expensive, but the feedback is great. They are very good at meeting your son where he is in writing and moving him along from there.

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