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Anybody with Home2Teach Experiences?


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I am considering enrolling my 7th grade DS in the Home2Teach online class Fundamentals of Writing I. I should add that he is a reluctant writer but not necessarily a poor one.




Have you had any experience with Home2Teach online classes? Their class descriptions are somewhat generic and it's hard to get a feel for what the class would actually entail. Reviews based on actual experiences would be very helpful, thanks!!!

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My reluctant writer 7th grade son just finished Fundamentals 1. He liked it. I wouldn't call it rigorous, but for us it had enough meat to it. It was also gentle enough not to scare him off from Fundamentals 2. If it seems too easy, the teacher can offer an advanced schedule. Each lesson covers some grammar, mechanics, vocabulary, and the writing assigment for the week. Typing practice is encouraged as well. Hope that helps!

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Thanks boatwife98!! Was there a textbook/manual used and, if not, what types of materials were used?


Did the coursework require much help from you or did you find that the assignments were easily completed independently? My son has trouble working independently even though he has no learning difficulties (he just likes having his hand "held"). So, the more "obvious" the assignments the better for encouraging growth in independence!

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H2T provides their own lessons as downloads. They expect the parent to be hands off. This was "really" hard for me. I think we both did some growing in that respect.


I think the lessons were pretty obvious. You're first sentence should say.... Write four details sentences with descriptive adjectives, lively adverbs, etc... You're last sentence should say... These instru tions were after prewriting exercises. In the last lesson, they wrote their own paragraph without prompts using what they learned. HTH!

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Both my daughters took the Paragraph writing class.  I thought the class was good for teaching structure with a grammar review.   Both of my girls thought it helped improve their writing skills. My younger daughter didn't like the format of the class at all.  My older was indifferent.  The teachers' almost always recommend students take the 2nd part of paragraph writing, but it's the same material with different writing assignments.  We opted to stop with the first part.  My older daughter also took the SAT essay writing and found it very helpful.

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