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How do I hang these? Chalkware


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I have some ugly chalkware (basically plaster of Paris) fruit that was my grandmother's. I want to hang them but the hooks that are in the plaster are rusted and broken. Command strips don't stick. Any ideas?


I'll try to put a link to what they look like. They are really ugly but I love them hard. https://www.google.com/search?q=chalkware+fruit+face+plaques&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#imgrc=_PfdR3zR0J2M_M:

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Maybe use shadow boxes, so that if they fall they won't fall far enough to break?


Oh, I like this idea! You could glue them directly to the back of the box, and hang the box. It would make such a pretty showcase and protect them, too!

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