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Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings

Melissa B

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Does LLLoR do a good job of covering literary terms?


I am looking for a one year program that is interesting and yet focuses on literary terms. I have Figuratively Speaking that I can use along side it to put more focus on the terms. But I don't think Figuratively Speaking alone is enough. I have a literature program that I want to use beginning around 7th (maybe 8th) grade. But the program assumes previous knowledge of literary terms. That is where I want to focus. I really don't want to pull my own thing together using different classics and study guides or online information.


I would really like a one year program that is going to cover most of the terms and preferably uses whole books to do so. Literary Lessons from Lord of the Rings is the closest I have found so far - but I am open to suggestions.


For those who have used LLLoR, did it do a good job? Did the child(ren) come to understand the terms? Did he retain the information? Was it interesting?

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I really enjoy LL, but it is not meant to be a one yr program for a 10 yr old. It is a high school course. I am on my 2nd yr with my 12 yos b/c the pace was just too fast for him to complete in one yr. I suppose you could do it in 1 if you eliminated the unit studies, but they are what make the program in my mind. Spending time with the Iliad or Beowulf brings the ideas of allusion, linguistics, etc to life. We spend weeks on the units.


Yes, my kids have learned literary terms from LL. But that is very low on my list of priorities for this age group. Exploring it the way LL does really helps them to appreciate the care of word selection, imagery, character development, etc. I wouldn't rush through it to use another curriculum selection. I would savor it for its worth. :)

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Thanks for your thoughts!


I should have said - I am thinking ahead to next year. So it would be for an 11 (nearly 12) year old. And I do have the time to spend two years going through it. But the literary terms are important to me as well. I don't want to spend two years on a program unless it meets our goals - which include having a good understanding of literary terms before entering high school. I do think she would find it interesting and enjoyable enough to spend two years working through it!

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