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M dh has expressed a desire for my dd to use textbooks for history and science instead of our current "let's just read lots of books" method. I'm looking for something that my voracious reader can complete on her own, but will still give her lots of time for independent reading.


What can you tell me about Lifepacs? Do you think these would meet our needs?




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The science my dd's school used in 7th grade was some of the WORST material I've ever seen!


What kind of history and science are you looking for? secular/religous? Send more info and someone can chime in with suggestions.


If you're not looking for secular materials, Apologia's elementary courses would be great for science.

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I used Lifepacs for 2nd and 3rd grade science b/c I don't personally like the subject...I just wanted something easy for them to read and answer.


I hated it, they hated it!


I finally picked up Apologia's elementary series and we all are loving science.


As far as history goes, Story of the World has always been a favorite around here.

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I agree that Lifepacs are a waste of time and money.


I agree that SOTW would be a good choice.


For more options, try the Sonlight and Tapestry of Grace websites, and look for spines that cover the timeframe you're looking for.


For American history, I liked most of Joy Hakim's series. I remember disliking the beginning book (too evolutionary for me) and the last book (too p.c. for me), but your mileage may vary. My dds enjoyed reading her books.



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Thanks, Mindy.


Is there something else you can recommend? I thought Lifepacs would be good "proof" for my dh, but I don't want them to be a waste of dd's time and bore her...she has a low tolerance for poorly written books and twaddle.




How old is she?

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She is 9. I talked to dh about what exactly he wanted, and he said he wanted to see more written "stuff" about what we are reading about. So no textbooks for now-we are just going to do more written narrations and notebook pages.

Thanks, all!



What a great solution!! I think you will be much happier with that.

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