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Thoughts/ Recs for a grammar intensive this summer?

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Background: through a variety of circumstances-- unplanned babies, interstate moves, etc.-- we've had various interruptions and slowdowns in our homeschool journey. For my oldest, who just turned 12, grammar seems to the subject where we've fallen most behind. I'm toying with the idea of devoting a few weeks to a grammar intensive this summer. I'd love to hear experience, advice, and curriculum recommendations from anyone who's done something along those lines.

He's currently in FLL 4. He handles the concepts very easily. Just to clarify, this is not a case of wanting to push a child beyond where he's ready-- he's clearly ready for much more. It's just that Mama has had her hands full with All The Other Things.


My goal in this wouldn't be to catch him up to some arbitrary grade level so much as to catch him up to his own level, if that makes any sense.


Also, if I plan to do this I don't have to feel guilty and horrible every time it drops off the schedule at the end of the school day. ;)

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So I take it he will be done with FLL 4. When we got to that point here, I was able to get a copy of the old beta test of the follow-on program ALL from Peacehill Press by calling them. That might not be an option any longer since the final draft is going to be printed sometime this year, in which case you could but that and get started on it.


Another free option would be KISS Grammar. I have not used it, but there are a lot of threads about it. I do know it is free for the printing. It sounds good, although it is a slightly different approach to grammar.


If you have some funds, and other children coming along, you might look at Analytical Grammar. FLL laid a good base for AG. You could do, or start, "season one" this summer.


If you just want something fun you could find a copy of Grammar Land. It is a public domain grammar book that was popular here a few years ago. A board made worksheets for it if you can find them. It is a cute review.

Edited by SusanC
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If he has completed FLL4, I would recommend you look at Junior Analytical Grammar.   (Or *possibly* Analytical Grammar.)   


It is an 11-week grammar intensive program, so perfect for summer.   It starts at the very beginning of grammar teaching the child to identify nouns.   So no prior knowledge of grammar is needed.   However, the program moves VERY fast and it is very challenging.    My kids would have failed miserably if they hadn't already covered the basics in FLL.   SO, I think if your child is able to get through FLL 4, it would be a very good step up for them.    


The other reason I recommend this program is that I bet your child could do it semi-independently.   (that is another reason I suggested JAG as opposed to AG.  To make it more independent.)   To make things really easy for you to teach, I would suggest you buy the DVD and answer key.    The DVD teaches your child the lesson and even has them pause it to work through a few example problems.   It is really well done.     In our house, I would have my child read the notes and watch the video on day one.  (Independently).   Then, each day I would have them complete the exercises (independently), and I would simply check it with them when they were done.  this way if they miss something, I could make sure they understood why they missed it.       Finally, there was a test at the end of the week to "check" whether they are ready to move ahead or need to repeat a concept.    

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I heartily second the recommendation for Junior AG. It sounds just perfect for your situation.


I was just reviewing the grammar/writing section on the SAT with my high school junior. It occurred to me that the grammar required (with just a couple of exceptions, such as the function of dashes, etc) doesn't go beyond what Junior AG teaches! It is really thorough, straight-forward, and capable of being done very independently by a 12-year old. If it clicks with your student, I would recommend going on with the full AG program in 7th & 8th grades.

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