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8th Grade Writing


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What writing are you doing for 8th grade?  Last year we did half of Writing with Skill 1.  I really liked it, but my daughter hated it even though I could tell she was learning a lot and improving.  This year I ordered IEW Ancient Based History Lessons.  We have done a lot of IEW in the past, and I just feel like she isn't learning anything because she has already done IEW several times.  I am not sure if we should go back and finish WWS 1, or is there something else that you would recommend?

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I really like WWS. It really worked well with my dd16 and seems to be working well with dd13. Now neither of them loved it, and at times hated it, but I'm of the opinion that learning to write well takes a lot of work and it often isn't fun work so I don't necessarily expect them to really like, or even like lol! what we use. Having said that, I definitely adjust the pace according to their needs, and dd13 is working through it slowly and steadily.

I haven't used much of 'Lively Art of Writing', but have looked through it and used some of it, and I think it is really good too. I'm planning on moving to it next with dd13.

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