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Quick math question

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Sorry my morning pregnant brain is not working well right now. :)


This is from the Miquon Red book (E-31)




Both my daughter and I automatically solved it like this...


3+3=6. 2+2=4. So 6-4=2


But wouldn't the order of operations say that it needs to be solved like this...


3+3=6. Then 6-2=4. Then 4+2=6


Just want to make sure before I correct her. I can later dig through my olders math books to check if needed, but I just wanted to double check with you guys. Apparently my mind isn't working well enough to teach math today, lol. At least today is mostly review. :)

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But wouldn't the order of operations say that it needs to be solved like this...


3+3=6. Then 6-2=4. Then 4+2=6


Just want to make sure before I correct her. I can later dig through my olders math books to check if needed, but I just wanted to double check with you guys. Apparently my mind isn't working well enough to teach math today, lol. At least today is mostly review. :)


Yes, your pregnant brain is right! Left to right with addition and subtraction, since you don't have any parentheses.


ETA: I think the quick "automatic" way I'd explain to my child is that you'd quickly see the -2 + 2 at the end cancel each other out, and just have to compute the 3+3.

Edited by fralala
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