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I am trying to figure out a plan for writing and grammar. I want to use WWE, treasured conversations, W&R and kilgallon. Then for grammar use FLL and MCT.


Would you do . WWE 1, WWE 2, WWE 3 and treasured conversations, then W & R 1 and 2 and start kilgallon sentence composing , then W&R 3 and 4 with paragraph composing. Then start WWS (about grade 6)?


Grammar do FLL 1-3. Then start MCT island, then story grammar, then town and voyage?

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I agree with Jackie.


However, if you need a plan (like me) this is what I ended up doing for my oldest who turns 8 soon.


Started with FLL 1 and WWE 1.  I didn't do the copy work because he was young.  Those are good solid programs, but my ds doesn't need a lot of repetition, so I started MCT Island about half way through FLL2.  He loves the colorfulness and story line in MCT.  Continue to work through WWE 2.  Picked up Brave writer along the way.  He is currently doing WWE 4 (skipped 3), BW and W&R fables.  Will start MCT Town as soon as I remember to order it. 


I haven't done TC or Kilgallon.  Although I heard good things about them as well


I don't know if this will help, but I think W&R and MCT is geared for 3rd grade and up.


FLL and MCT are really different.  One thing that has happened in my household is that sometimes I can plan, but the child may need something different and I have to research for more options.  :)  Good luck. 

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I've used a lot of these programs with DD so I'll give you a quick overview of how that worked for us.


She did FLL1 and FLL2 in grades 1 and 2.  Aside from spelling that was all the formal language arts we did as she loved to write and read and did both constantly and explored all different types of writing styles.


During the summer between grades 1 and 2 we did a 'boot camp' of WWE wherein we sped up the lessons dramatically (so instead of it taking a week, we would do it all in one day).  We sped through WWE1 and 2 that summer.


In grade 3 we start MCT and CAP's W & R.  I don't think TC was around quite yet.  We've been continuing with these ever since (now in grade 5).  We paused briefly with W & R to do TC at the beginning of grade 4.


I'm hoping to move on to Kilgallon at some point possibly.


However, as previous posters have mentioned, it's really hard to predict ahead of time what your child will be prepared to do and what will work for them.


With DS we did FLL in grades 1-3 and started TC in late grade 3 and haven't touched MCT or W & R.  We are still working our way through TC in grade 4.  He would be one of the youngest in his class were he in public school, so even though he is technically one grade behind DD he is almost 2 years younger.  And he's just a different person.  He wants to try MCT so we will probably start with that soon but I'm not sure we'll ever touch W & R with him.  He's been doing BW for writing and so far that's a much better fit for him than W & R.

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Oh, I love having plans. I've planned through 8th grade. Multiple times. With backup plans. And lots of going off plan when it doesn't work, then coming back to the plan or not. I love planning. It soothes my brain.


The programs do overlap. If you use many different pieces, you eventually get skilled at pulling the parts that work best from each and more or less self-designing. (Ask me how I know!)


I wouldn't do both FLL and MCT. The overlap is quite direct. If, approaching first grade, you have learned your child needs/prefers repetition and a slow, incremental approach, use FLL. If your kid dislikes repetition and can retain information quickly, wait until around 3rd grade and start with MCT.


As far as writing, I've used Brave Writer as my "go to". I bought TC, but had already created my own ways of doing the things covered in it, so I read it to get teaching ideas to add to my repertoire but not as a curric for my child. The incremental approach would kill my child, so WWE is out. We started with Killgallon between Island and Town and it didn't click with us. I am thinking of giving it another shot soon (partway through Town) to see if it clicks better. If not, it'll be time to give them away. Writing has deviated so much from plan that my plan is now to have general knowledge of resources, educate myself more, and keep touching base with Brave Writer stuff because it is the one thing that seems to work for her and she enjoys.


We use a lot of resources, almost none of them as intended. :)

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  • 2 years later...
On 1/4/2017 at 11:27 AM, momof4... said:

I am trying to figure out a plan for writing and grammar. I want to use WWE, treasured conversations, W&R and kilgallon. Then for grammar use FLL and MCT.


Would you do . WWE 1, WWE 2, WWE 3 and treasured conversations, then W & R 1 and 2 and start kilgallon sentence composing , then W&R 3 and 4 with paragraph composing. Then start WWS (about grade 6)?


Grammar do FLL 1-3. Then start MCT island, then story grammar, then town and voyage?

I know this is an old thread, but I don’t know how far in advance you were planning and I’ve actually used all the materials you mentioned twice now (my oldest just finished 7th and middle just finished 3rd). This is what I’ve done for writing and grammar so far:

Kindergarten: WWE1/FLL1

First grade: WWE2/FLL2

Second grade: WWE3/FLL3/MCT Island

Third grade: Killgallon Elementary Sentence Composing followed by Treasure Conversations/FLL4/MCT Town

Fourth grade: Writing and Rhetoric 1-2 followed by Killgallon Elementary Paragraphs/MCT Voyage

Fifth grade: W&R3-4/Junior Analytical Grammar

Sixth grade: W&R5-6 (no grammar this year as we started vocabulary)

Seventh grade: W&R7-8/GftWTM Purple

Eighth grade (planned to begin next month): W&R9-10/Teaching the Classics followed by Windows to the World/GftWTM Red

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