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Critique my plan please pretty please


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No we came late to well trained mind. We started sonlight in the early grades and they don't hit story of the world till grade 6 for some reason. I really like it and it works for my younger two kids as well so I'm hoping to use it but extend my older a bit with library books and other resources if possible.


I'm open to suggestions for something more detailed though I just don't have anything in mind.

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Ok I ended up switching out biology for the chemistry that should work for both my older kids level and I'm pretty sure ds won't mind doing chemistry again. Then I will try to keep them on the same science cycle to keep things simple. I also didn't order Latin as I'm hoping to pick up something second hand but will see how it works out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think it looks wonderful! We are using SOTW with the Kingfisher Illustrated Encyclopedia as a spine. My girls are in 5th and 3rd. As we move through the different time periods, we just head to the library and pick out great non-fiction and living books to supplement. I love the encyclopedia so much! It goes from 40,000 BC to present day, which in that book because it is out of print is roughly 1990. I will pick up where that leaves off. It got great reviews so I picked it up for a penny on amazon plus shipping. It is like a massive timeline with gorgeous illustrations! I feel children learn so much more from reading. And in 5th grade they aren't going to remember every detail you through at them. No one does. If you make it a natural extension of their curiosity they are so much more liable to absorb it and take it with them. It makes for a gradual and calm transition from grammar to logic. Our curriculum is very similar to yours for next year!

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I think it looks wonderful! We are using SOTW with the Kingfisher Illustrated Encyclopedia as a spine. My girls are in 5th and 3rd. As we move through the different time periods, we just head to the library and pick out great non-fiction and living books to supplement. I love the encyclopedia so much! It goes from 40,000 BC to present day, which in that book because it is out of print is roughly 1990. I will pick up where that leaves off. It got great reviews so I picked it up for a penny on amazon plus shipping. It is like a massive timeline with gorgeous illustrations! I feel children learn so much more from reading. And in 5th grade they aren't going to remember every detail you through at them. No one does. If you make it a natural extension of their curiosity they are so much more liable to absorb it and take it with them. It makes for a gradual and calm transition from grammar to logic. Our curriculum is very similar to yours for next year!

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Looks solid to me! I assume literature is covered in relation to history? Also, Getting Started With Latin might be a cheaper way to start Latin. Or maybe with a text that's available in a PDF?

I am just planning to go through the sonlight lists and borrow what I can from the library for literature as well as handling some read alouds. I actually didn't end up ordering Latin at all. Ds is not interested and I don't have backup from DH who thinks its a total waste of time.

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I also switched out RSO biology for chemistry because I can use it for my 3rd and 5th grader. I want to keep them both on the same history and science cycles because I don't think I can handle a kindy program and two separate science and history programmes as well. Otherwise I think we are good to go.


Also I added building critical thinking skills.

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Depending on your 5th grader, SOTW 1 might be a bit...young ? Good luck with the new year - do you start this week ?

He's liking It at the moment (started last weeks of last year) but I hope to supplement to beef it up a bit. He is my builder/maker/designer not my academic. If at some point he says it's too babyish I'll find something else though.

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