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Accountability Thread: 12/26-12/31

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Welcome to the Monday after Christmas. We had a good time here, but I'm glad it's all over. I don't do major holidays with any kind of finesse. I hope everyone had a nice celebration and maybe got some relaxing in, too.

We have another week off of school planned, mostly for me to recover from too many people and too much pie. I've got school planning to do this week, but plan to keep everything pretty low key for the next few days to let the holiday stress subside before I get into tetchy subjects like history and formal writing. 

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Critter glad you enjoyed your holidays! We had a grand time here too, we will be off this week also, we'll except for music practice and duolingo, gotta keep that streak alive. I plan to drop off recycling, go and visit my cousin and maybe stop at Mardels, then come home and relax. I'm going to wait until Wednesday to begin planning our next term.

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Ohh. Back to work for us this week. I feel kinda guilty for not taking a better Christmas break (we did take off Monday) but we missed half of last week with illness. With our October start and baby due in April I feel pinched on both ends.

Midwife appt tomorrow morning so I am aiming for audio books, *really* light math just to get us warmed up again, phonics/reading/handwriting and maybe a Christmas movie in the afternoon.


Started a new lesson plan book for the year bullet journal style. I am super excited about it and I *think* the format should be really useful. I want to get plans down more concretely and have backup plans going on so if anything happened and I couldn't teach for a while, DH or another adult could teach the kids. Either way I am planning on another adult (DH and/or my mom) taking over for at least 2 weeks in April.

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I really ought to work on the great white pantry today and clean up fall quarter's mess to make room for winter quarter's mess. I don't know if I'll do that today or tomorrow.

CadenceSophia, I love the idea of a trial run of your backup plans. I'm not quite organized enough to pull that off, but I think it's a good idea to have plans that can be used in case of emergency for about six weeks or so. Be sure to make them really, really, flexible, though, and super simple. Usually the one running the school plan (not being the one used to running the plan) has all sorts of other things to do that they are also not usually responsible for. So they are stressed, even if it's good stress, and they need something that basically pats them on the back, makes it easy to succeed, and gives them opportunity to shift the day as they need to shift it.

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Penguin, I ought to work on geometry. I think I'll cut some of my new leads to fit my compass and call that good. :D  I'm with Mama25angels this week--I really feel that not much is going to get done until Wednesday at the earliest. And I might say Thursday come Wednesday. I'll resolve not to procrastinate in January. Maybe. :001_smile:

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I got through 2.5 days of school in what turned out to actually be a 3 day week. DS got invited for a mid-week sleepover since all the school kids are on break and I couldn't reasonably say no. He can't do sleepovers at all during ski season except for chances like this. Not that I need to really justify deviating from my plan.. poor kid is only 8 for heaven's sake. :) I am sure he will learn whatever he needs to eventually :)


For me, I had a good change to set up my bullet journal for this coming year (or the first part at least). I am re-taking up my study of Finnish this year and working on Russian and also have decided to read 24 books in French. I'd love to do 52 in 52. Realistically, I want some of those books to be in physics and math and being my second language, I don't read as quickly in French as I do in English. 

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I got through 2.5 days of school in what turned out to actually be a 3 day week. DS got invited for a mid-week sleepover since all the school kids are on break and I couldn't reasonably say no. He can't do sleepovers at all during ski season except for chances like this. Not that I need to really justify deviating from my plan.. poor kid is only 8 for heaven's sake. :) I am sure he will learn whatever he needs to eventually :)


For me, I had a good change to set up my bullet journal for this coming year (or the first part at least). I am re-taking up my study of Finnish this year and working on Russian and also have decided to read 24 books in French. I'd love to do 52 in 52. Realistically, I want some of those books to be in physics and math and being my second language, I don't read as quickly in French as I do in English.

I just started Russian. DS switched from Latin to Russian this year, and his enthusiasm swept me in :)
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