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Low carb diet?


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I do paleo which isn't necessaryily low carb but ends up being that way normally due to no grain and limited starches. And It has helped with my health a ton - when I eat grains I feel like crud and hurt all over worse than the flu. After about 2 weeks on paleo I don't hurt, I feel good and I'm no longer craving sugar. 

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And yes, I'm a low carber and it works beautifully for me! I really like the 2002 and earlier editions of Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution, but Protein Power is an awesome, awesome book as well.


For websites, you cannot do better than a subscription to DietDoctor.com, the videos make it so easy to learn more and I find them helpful for ongoing motivation.


For message boards, LowCarbFriends is probably the most heavily used and there are dozens of sub boards exploring various plans, recipes, etc.

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Since I gained a tremendous amount of weight after hitting 40, I've tried every diet under the sun. The book "Happy Hormones, Slim Belly" has helped the most. It's carb cycling. 2 days a week you have pretty low carb intake and then five days it is low to moderate intake. I started in mid-October and have lost 9 pounds so far. It's pretty doable.

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