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Is there a 7th grade Language Arts like this?

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We need something lighter than Voyages in English and R&S and Abeka on Grammar...


We would like something that includes all aspects of "Language Arts" and even some spelling if possible....


If it includes basic grammar, some writing and writing prompts, some literature concepts such as learning literary devices, genre, etc.  


Has variety but seems organized


Workbook-based....would be so great.


I was looking at Holt Elements of Language and it might really work for us but not sure it's  a little overkill.   I think LLATL is just not enough of anything.  I realize "Language Arts" by its very nature will jump around, but LLATL just seems to jump too much...though I haven't totally ruled it out.


and if it gives us some fun things to discuss and talk about that would be neat too....


My dd is NOT good at grammar and finds it wholly unnecessary so if it's light on grammar, that is fine.  Just a little dab would be great.

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Maybe Figuratively Speaking (this has writing prompts in it, too)




I Laid an Egg on Aunt Ruth's Head (with accompanying printed worksheets)  (grammar and punctuation)




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Both of these options are distinctly Christian, if that is okay, but I totally agree that for me LLATL is too light to cover much of anything -- not to mention that I don't care for half of the book selections in 7th and 8th grades as being helpful for digging into Lit. in a more formal way that most middle schoolers are ready for. Totally JMO! I know it works very well for others, and that's great! :)


Learning Language Arts Through Literature

One-year program covering 3-4 books, and focusing on: spelling, reading, grammar, composition, reserach & study skills; higher order thinking skills; creative expression; penmanship.

6th grade (tan) = Carry On Mr. Bowditch; The Bronze Bow; Big Red; The Horse and His Boy

7th grade (green) = Star of Light; Adam and His Kin; Much Ado About Nothing

8th grade (grey) = Across Five Aprils; A Lantern in Her Hand; Eric Liddell; God's Smuggler


Total Language Plus

Each guide focuses on a single book and includes: comprehension, enrichment & writing; grammar; spelling; vocabulary. List of guides by grade level, and, sample pages.


What about Bob Jones Literature grade 7, plus Bob Jones Writing & Grammar 7? It may be too much like Abeka, but can you either slow it down or only do half the amount? OR, sub out the BJ Writing & Grammar with the Daily Grams, as Another Lynn suggests, and something like Write On for the writing portion.


Or, what about Lighting Literature 7 for a first step into more formal literature study and for the end-of-unit writing assignments, do a quick search online and add a few fun projects/activities to go with several of the books, and do the workbook like pages of LL7, and add a workbook each for spelling, grammar and writing.


Or, while not all in one, BUT, workbook-based options:

- multiple subjects from same company:

   * Soaring with Spelling (also includes Vocab), Growing with Grammar, and Winning with Writing

   * Spectrum Spelling (tops out at grade 6) and Writing

   * Streck-Vaughn Spelling (tops out at grade 6), Grammar, and Writing

- Writing - WordsmithJump In

- Spelling - Megawords; Apples Daily Spelling Drills

- Grammar - Daily Grams; Easy Grammar Plus; Blue Book of Grammar & Punctuation; Mastering Grammar; Evan-Moore Daily Grammar Review; Carson-Dellosa: 100+ series: Grammar

- Literature - Prentice Hall Timeless Voices Timeless Themes workbook and text


None of those have the fun activities you're looking for -- I think you're only likely to get that through an indivdual Lit. guide. For literature, you could pick your individual titles, use some quality lit. guides for digging into the work more formally and for fun projects, and then use separate writing and grammar programs.


The guides from Lit. Wits have lots of projects -- a few titles that would fit well for 7th grade:

- The Hobbit

- Island of the Blue Dolphins

- Anne of Green Gables

- The Witch of Blackbird Pond

- Carry On Mr. Bowditch

- Tom Sawyer

- Treasure Island

- All Creatures Great and Small

- Journey to the Center of the Earth



PS -- What happened to the possibility of doing Lit. and Writing classes with Brave Writer??

Edited by Lori D.
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I have my 7th grader using LLATL Green this year and it's been a good fit, but we are skipping the book studies and I have him doing spelling from R&S. So I am basically using it for the grammar and it's going well.


I'm not sure I know what you mean about LLATL jumping around too much because I haven't found that to be the case.


The reason I switched to it was because my boys can't handle grammar-intense programs like R&S so I wanted lighter grammar and still some poetry coverage. I bought the student workbooks as ebooks so I just print off what they need.


The grammar has started off right from the beginning and is so far pretty easy, but that has been good because he didn't remember much from R&S or CTGE anyway and if we get through the rest of Green and do Gray next year, there are lots of grammar concepts coming up that we've never studied before, so I have confidence that this will be enough grammar. It'll at least be way more than my 14yo son got struggling through some of those other programs.

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How about English Lessons through Literature? A 7th grader who hasn't done it before could start with Book 5 (they aren't grade levels - it's really more whatever you are ready for. Level 6 is being completed right now and if you want some of it she'll send you the first chunk if you email her. 


Cottage Press is another all-inclusive option but I would not consider it light but YMMV so you could check it out. 

Edited by Heather in VA
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Thanks for all these great ideas~


Lori D- she does not want to do Brave Writer.  I can't afford the classes right now unless she's super excited, then I could stretch it.  But honestly she looked at the curriculum and I tried to explain it (as much as I could without having ever used it) and she just doesn't want that level of commitment...she likes writing, though. :)

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Thanks for all these great ideas~


Lori D- she does not want to do Brave Writer.  I can't afford the classes right now unless she's super excited, then I could stretch it.  But honestly she looked at the curriculum and I tried to explain it (as much as I could without having ever used it) and she just doesn't want that level of commitment...she likes writing, though. :)


Gotcha. :) And, I think we were cross-posting, as I added some more ideas and links and then found this post.



Honestly, DD just sounds young -- and I don't at all mean that in a bad way or in a "remedial" way. I just mean she's on her own unique time-table for maturing. It sounds like she still enjoys hands-on and "fun" ways of approaching school, and formal materials, or classes that require a certain amount of work by a deadline are probably not going to be a match for her right now. It's too bad there isn't an informal homeschool co-op that would be a good fit for what you need right now...


BEST of luck in finding some things that are a better fit for her! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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Gotcha. :) And, I think we were cross-posting, as I added some more ideas and links and then found this post.



Honestly, DD just sounds young -- and I don't at all mean that in a bad way or in a "remedial" way. I just mean she's on her own unique time-table for maturing. It sounds like she still enjoys hands-on and "fun" ways of approaching school, and formal materials, or classes that require a certain amount of work by a deadline are probably not going to be a match for her right now. It's too bad there isn't an informal homeschool co-op that would be a good fit for what you need right now...


BEST of luck in finding some things that are a better fit for her! Warmest regards, Lori D.

Yes she is! Not only is she young for her age in many ways, but as an ENFP she will forever find intensity difficult and exhausting, as well as sitting still.  


However due to her mild issues with sequential learning, she also needs a lot of repetition for certain things to stick.  It's hard to find what works for her for LA, extremely challenging actually.  :)  


YOu know I forgot GWG and WWW and SSS existed.  I will look at those again.  :)

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I looked at every single link; thank you so much for taking the time everyone especially Lori as it's SO NICE to just click on your suggestions! 


I think I've settled on Sandi Queen's Language Lessons for the Secondary Child.  It's not something I have felt comfy using as a stand-alone but my dd has already written over 10 excellent essays this year, as well as done some Common Core worksheets on literary devices, genre, etc. in the class she took, and also analyzed 3 novels  in depth.


(( (The class is not bad; it's just that holding my dd to my standards instead of the low low standards the other parents set, is the problem that is causing friction.  My dd is embarrassed because the teacher reads all her essays as an example, and the other kids consistently, literally, just don't bother to do the work even with NUMEROUS emails sent home from the teacher detailing upcoming assignments, printed assignments sheets all laid out for the week, and explanations to teh parents to help the kids with the essays.)


My dd has actually more than shined in the class, but money is limited and I'm not sure I can pull out of me another 6 months of correcting essays while arguing with my dd about what the other kids are doing.   :) ))


QLL will be a nice touch that we can jump off of when we desire! :)  


Having second thoughts so I will sit on it but that's the current plan 

Edited by Calming Tea
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