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"Hold On to Your Kids" - don't know who recommended this....

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but Thank You!


I don't know what else to say - but Wow! Eye-opening and encouraging at once. My dh's philosopy of life so blends with this book, and I have always been drawn to that (obviously, I married him!), and yet resisted it out of fear. I can't tell you how comforting it has been to read this book!


dd's calling~



ps - If you know of any similar books, please let me know

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I really appreciated it, too! I reserved it at the library the day I read that thread and finished the book a few days ago.


Especially helpful was the idea about behaving toward your kids in a way that preserves the relationship.


One thing I love about homeschooling is that the bulk of my weekdays are set aside to enjoy my kids. This book served as a great encouragement to keep it up rather than send them out the door to school (an occasional temptation of mine).


And, of course, I appreciated reading the overarching idea that hordes of 'friends' are not the end-all, be-all of childhood. Not a popular opinion around my neighborhood, I must say. But it works for our family and was a good reminder to focus on a reasonable balance of peers and parents.


So, thanks to whoever recommended this book! I've already suggested it to several friends.



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Sadly, I must admit that my kids are much less peer-oriented than I!


What I have found fascinating is that, though it is obviously a "parenting" book, the principles aren't "parenting" principles. They are simply the basic principles that govern all relationships.


Now if only I could find someone to re-parent me! (and hopefully move me to Provence, no?)


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