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Singapore CWP placement


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Is the one grade down placement for the Singapore CWP book universal? Or are intuitive mathy kids probably fine going in at level?


I'm about to order one for DD/8. She's been joining in on the daily MOEMS problem we do as a family and holding her own impressively well. The at level Math in Focus version, the enrichment book, barely slowed her down. She'd ask for assistance about 1/3 of the time. With the textbook, workbook, and enrichment book she still went through the last MiF book in double time. Going one book down doesn't seem practical?

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If your child is mathematically minded, I'd use it on level, or, as Arcadia mentioned, you may find that you need to accelerate CWP.  Each topic of CWP has two sections - the first section is "easier." The 2nd section is what they call "challenge" problems. If it's too easy for her, just have her do the challenge section. If CWP isn't very challenging for her, I suggest you check out Beast Academy.


edited to add:


The only problem with doing CWP ahead of grade level is that CWP does not have any instruction, just problems. There are usually a few sample problems at the beginning of each section, but no formal "lesson."  So if you use it a year ahead, and your child hasn't been formally "taught" a topic yet, it may be hard to dive into CWP.  That's why Beast might be a good choice if CWP at grade level is too easy.

Edited by JHLWTM
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I tried using it 1/2 year behind, but it was just me being silly. The only issue DD had was that I was using it with a non-Singapore main program so sometimes the topics would be ones she hadn't seen before. Other than that, I could have used CWP a year *ahead* and she likely would have been fine.

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She goes in unpredictable spells though. Kid #5 and I'm still figuring this out as I go...lol

Younger siblings learn a lot just by being around or by raiding older siblings curriculum :)

I would let her try BA though and the BA practice book my friend gave me remind my kids of MOEMS. My kids prefer wordy textbooks so they read the BA3&4 books that I bought for fun but went back to the wordy aops books. They prefer wordy Campbell for learning to colorful Miller Levine for example. So no guarantees there whether she might like BA.

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I am going to try SM on her for the next book, so we won't have a topic issue. In MiF she jumped into the enrichment book right after doing the same topic in the tb/wb. She usually complains about all the babysteps in the lessons, so hopefully SM goes well.

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I ordered the CWP with the same number as the wb/tb I'm about to hand her.  Thanks for the reviews and comments!



If you haven't looked at Zacarro's Challenge Math series or Borac's Competition Math ....I use both of those as well. 

Zacarro we have, but I haven't heard of Borac. Thanks for adding that. :)

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