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The Teachers Lounge 10-5-2016


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Good morning! The Lounge is now OPEN!


A place for the parent-teachers to come in, hang out, take a load off, take a nap, or just escape the fray for awhile!


I have some fresh brewed vanilla coffee available. Help yourself to a cuppa!  :cheers2:


What's going on in your world today? Here: after everyone is awake we will attempt to get some schooling done!


What's weighing on your mind today? Here: the fact that schooling seems to be constantly interrupted by something else!


What's your favorite color? Here: me - green, my son - depends on the day, my daughter - purple.


Talk to me! :bigear:


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Today is our slow day. :lol: We only have violin lessons in addition to regular school.  Compared to the past two days where I didn't take off my shoes until 9pm, this is lovely.


Currently weighing on my mind is college admissions.  It's that time of the year, and I'm straddling the line between Helicopter Mom and Normal Parent.  I don't want to hover, and for the most part I don't need to, but I also know my kid's mind and how things drop out of it if they're not brought to the forefront.  He and I had a long talk after the college fair last night where he let me know if he doesn't get enough scholarships/financial aid he's going to enlist instead so he isn't saddled with student loans.  The Tiger Mom in me was shouting, "NOOOOOOOO!" because I know how hard it is to get back on the crazy train once it's left the station.  We can help, but only about 50% of the state school costs.  This is the kid that has 25 transferable credits already, good ACT scores, and knows exactly what he wants out of the college experience.  He's good.  He's not floundering.  I don't want money to be a reason not to go.


Er...that got a bit long.  Um...I mean, my favorite color alternates between deep scarlet and sky blue, depending on my mood and time of year. :)

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HomeAgain, to assuage your concerns, if he chooses to enlist, it's okay. He might also want to talk to a recruiter about the Green-to-Gold program.

I'm pretty sure it's Army specific, but he can ask the other recruiters as well. How it works is he agrees to give the military so many years after he graduates

in a degree program that they've approved and paid for. It's basically full ride scholarship in return for a commitment of working for the sponsor for a few years

after graduating. Not a bad gig, really.

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HomeAgain, to assuage your concerns, if he chooses to enlist, it's okay. He might also want to talk to a recruiter about the Green-to-Gold program.

I'm pretty sure it's Army specific, but he can ask the other recruiters as well. How it works is he agrees to give the military so many years after he graduates

in a degree program that they've approved and paid for. It's basically full ride scholarship in return for a commitment of working for the sponsor for a few years

after graduating. Not a bad gig, really.


It is okay if he chooses to enlist.  It's not what he wants, though, and we know it.  He would have to apply to do AFELA (Bootstrap, G2G equivalent) if he got off course.  Right now his plan is to go into engineering, preferably computer science based or aeronautical, do ROTC, and then do his time as an officer.  It wouldn't be the end of the world if he did enlist, but it would be much harder for him to complete his degree within his first enlistment if he didn't get AFELA. 

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Yep, I get it. My point, which I think was unclear, was to encourage him to do the G2G (or its equivalent). If I'd known how hard it was to find a job

after college I probably would have done that instead of enlisting after I graduated BECAUSE I couldn't find a job. I pray it all works out for him!

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