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Ethics and RBG: help with papers, etc.

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A funny coincidence happened yesterday.  As I was reading the Sunday NYT, my dd15 announced she wanted some advice on a paper she was writing but wanted to check the honor code to see if such help was allowed.  After some scrutinizing, and she asked about a particular sentence, and I suggested a word to substitute for a phrase, making the sentence just a bit smoother.


Not a few minutes later, I turned to a lovely article by Ruth Bader Ginsberg with stories from her career and advice for others.  I stopped at this bit about her good fortune in having a supportive husband:


"Marty coached me through the birth of our son, he was the first reader and critic of articles, speeches and briefs I drafted, and he was at my side constantly, in and out of the hospital, during two long bouts with cancer. And I betray no secret in reporting that, without him, I would not have gained a seat on the Supreme Court."  


(It isn't clear which of Marty's actions had greater impact:  helping her at home or helping her professionally.)  


So my ethics question is whether in school as in life it is okay to have a family member be a "first reader and critic" of pieces someone has written, whether's it's essays for classes or college admissions?  

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So my ethics question is whether in school as in life it is okay to have a family member be a "first reader and critic" of pieces someone has written, whether's it's essays for classes or college admissions?  


Yes, using a good editor is ethical; I would argue it's a very normal and useful part of the writing process.  The writer has the choice of taking the feedback or not.  Over time, the writer will learn from the feedback and the writing will get better, but even for an experienced writer there's usually value in a read-through by a good editor.  


There are times when it's not appropriate, but that is usually obvious from the context - e.g. in-class essays, SAT exams, and so forth. 


And of course there's a line - when the paper is essentially written by the editor, the line has been crossed.

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I see no ethical issues with having a family member or friend proof read and help edit a paper, unless explicitly prohibited by the person giving the assignment (a "closed book" exam would also mean that outside help is prohibited)

Our college instructors strongly encourage, and sometimes even require, students to take their essay drafts to the writing center to obtain feedback and editing help.



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