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Teaching Study Skills

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I need some advice on teaching my daughter (13) study skills. She homeschooled through 5th then has attended a classical school 6th-8th. I have helped her study for all quizzes and tests throughout middle school but need to start backing away in preparation for high school. I thought I have been modeling study skills the last couple of years, hoping she'd just naturally follow my example and take over. She's not. She resists every mention of studying on her own.


One additional note....she wants to come back to homeschool and this scares me for several reasons. She's very smart but also very lazy (with some signs of ADD). I'm sure those are  some of the reasons she's depending on me to help her study. I don't want to bring her back home until I can see that she's making steps to becoming more independent.


So, I would love some advice.  Curricula? Books? Online class?

Edited by taffnus
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My dd took the WTMA online class for Study Skills. It's a jr high class and I had her take it this summer eventhough she had already started 9th grade work. I just didn't give her HS credit for it. Anyway, it was very helpful in her opinion.


I will say I think a lot of study skills are developed with time and maturity. 13 is still pretty young. It also seems from my own experience and what I read on here that lazy 13 year olds are definitely not the exception!


I would definitely recommend the study skills class though if your dd has the time to take it. Particularly if she wants to come back to homeschool. It prepared my dd well for her online classes in general- It taught her what to expect and how to manage her assignments etc., in addition to notetaking and other topics, plus she loved the instructor which was an added bonus. We both feel it was money well spent.

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