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Would this be sufficient for 4th grade writing?

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I feel like we are really relaxed with homeschooling (too relaxed?)

I homeschooled my dd for 1st and 2nd. She went to ps for 3rd and I have her brought her back home for 4th(she was bored and ahead in school). This year I tried writing and rhetoric curriculum with her. She hated it, so I told her to write a story. She began her story a month ago and is still writing it a page a day. She enjoys this and her story is filled with interesting words and story lines. I figure I'll let her finish it and then type it and edit it. This will probably take until November. Is this sufficient for writing? We don't do grammer. I will in middle school though. She will start IEW at a co op next year(hoping it doesn't kill her joy of writing but I would love for her to learn structure)

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I feel like we are really relaxed with homeschooling (too relaxed?)

I homeschooled my dd for 1st and 2nd. She went to ps for 3rd and I have her brought her back home for 4th(she was bored and ahead in school). This year I tried writing and rhetoric curriculum with her. She hated it, so I told her to write a story. She began her story a month ago and is still writing it a page a day. She enjoys this and her story is filled with interesting words and story lines. I figure I'll let her finish it and then type it and edit it. This will probably take until November. Is this sufficient for writing? We don't do grammer. I will in middle school though. She will start IEW at a co op next year(hoping it doesn't kill her joy of writing but I would love for her to learn structure)



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