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Iron supplements

Night Elf

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Dd was told her iron was low quite some time ago and the doctor put her on two 65mg iron supplement tablets. She stopped taking it and now I think she needs to go back on it. She's away at college so she'll have to go to the drug store and buy them herself. What do I tell her to look for? Is there a special kind or are they all the same? Also, I remember she needs to take vitamin C with it. Can she take just chewable Vitamin C? If she takes it at breakfast, she might be able to take it with orange juice. How much should she drink if she can do this instead of vitamin C?

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No. They're not all the same. You want bioavailable. Brand is less important than molecular form. Healthy Iron levels are more than ferritin level. There are four that should be run, including saturation. I can add the others at home.


I take iron bisglycinate. It comes in 18mg, 25mg, and 35mg capsules. Easy on the stomach. Readily absorbed. I bought some from the vitamin shoppe so I didn't wait to ship. Normally, I order from amazon. NOW is a good brand for the money.

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