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Can't find this answer ANYWHERE!! MFW, can we use it for History ONLY?


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I am drawn to MFW for History, but would prefer Exploring Creation (Astronomy, this year) for Science. Would it be possible to extract the History and Bible from MFW and insert another Science curriculum, or are the subjects too entwined to readily pick and choose in this way? THANK YOU!!!!!!

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That astronomy book is used in MFW Rome to the Reformation.


If you are doing kindergarten or Exploring Countries and Cultures I would not recommend swapping out the science; it is thematically integrated.


Other than that, Yes, it would be easy to use a different science. In fact that's what I do. 😊

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The science is intertwined as part of the unit study in MFWK, ADV, ECC, & CTG. I believe that unit study theme continues.


We did though swap the science, so yes it can be done.


When I did MFW1 I was finishing Sonlight Core A & B science. With Adventures I used Apologia Astronomy. With ECC I used Apologia Land Animals which includes world mapping and was a fabulous combination!


It is very easy to pull the history and Bible out if it is what you prefer.

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agreeing with above that you can mix and match as you see the need.


adding in some more detailed info since I didn't see ages of students or which mfw program you are doing.  and I feel like typing.  sorry if this is too much detail


kindy: it's all connected.  but if you wanted to add in astronomy you can do that in small pieces.  There will be astronomy units in kindy

1st:  you can add anything in science.  this year is a hands on general intro science for young students.

ADV:  science is connected to Bible.  if you want to do astronomy as side dish, there's free afternoons and/or light and independent Fridays.   some of the ADV units will have some space/sun/star  no reason you couldn't do the astronomy book.


ECC:  science is part of geography.  note: in mfw sequence, 7th and 8th students read the science books as part of "geography", but they do jr. high science.     again, no reason you couldn't do astronomy as more, right?.


CTG: I didn't think the CTG science was tied as tightly. It was thematically connected, sorta, kinda.. well, sorta kinda. so it's easy to sub is my real point.  There was the Pyramid science for a few weeks.  But the main program

 in CTG the science is General Science topics at elementary level and the order of the topics goes along with the order of days of creation week.  Light/Optics topics are Unit 1 (on day 1 let them be light).  Unit 2: air, atmosphere, water.  Unit 3: plants.  get it?    It's not really tied to history.   There will be units on astronomy in this science.  can the astronomy book be used in "book basket" instead of main dish?  sure why not.  (and yes, jr high students will do a different science anyway. but I dont' think you have that age ???)   However, with that said, you may still want to do the pyramids.


RTR: as mentioned above, astronomy is one of the semesters in this year.


EXP1850: that was what... animals and botany.


1850MOD: elementary "chem/physics" intro. 


in the mfw scope/sequence, that 7th and 8th graders are doing jr. high science instead of the "built in " science.  So, uhm.. yeah, you can sub in a science in most of the programs.  :) or add it in for special interest.



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